(16) Lets walk

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"Wow" ...
And just like that our eyes met across the room

As I was looking at Harry I could tell he was staring at amazement he slowly started to approach me with our eyes locked and as he got closer. "HI" boom and the magic disappeared "we haven't properly met I'm Imogen" "yeah I know nice to meet you I'm Y/N" and all she did was look me up and down when my life saver zendaya "hey Y/N come over here I got us drinks" as she luckily dragged me away I mouthed "thankyou" to her she replied " I could tell tension was building up so I thought I'd save your"

**1 hour later***
I've been having a really great night but I still haven't managed to speak to Harry yet we just keep giving each other eyes across the room but whenever we think we have the chance to speak to each other someone always interrupted it was becoming so stressful but I just decide to be patient and polite and hopefully we will be Able to talk after. I was speaking with Sam when he got a FaceTime call from Elysia, "hey guys I just wanted to say have a good night I'm about to go to work now" "oh yeah we totally forgot it's the afternoon over there" me sam and Elysia we're all talking when Elysia shouts "so has Harry asked you yet" and I could've killed her! Sam didn't know but I think she assumed he did so he turned and looked at me "asked what?" "Erugh Harry was suppose to ask me to go on a date  but we can't seem to get 5 minutes alone without someone interrupting" "don't worry I'll help you Elysia I need to go love" "okay bye love you" "love you"

I was having a really nice night but I was getting upset that I still hadn't had time with Harry yet right now he was dancing with Harrison and Jacob and he looked so happy I couldn't disturb him so I left him be , when Sam turned and said to me "watch this" then just like that sam disappears and I see him dancing with Harry , haz & Jacob then Tom joins in and all of a sudden they're dancing to sexual and it's like a choreographed dance it was so funny that I decided to film it and posted it on my story. Then Harry comes walking up to me, finally, I thought, finally we can speak. "Do you want to go for a walk?" He took my hand and led me out of the bar

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