(30) the beginning to the end

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As me and Y/N say I could tell she felt uncomfortable so I tried to be as calm as possible, "Y/N I.." before I could find the words she interrupted "this reminds me of our first date" she was so correct it did, I looked around and saw all of the lights and champagne on the table with the flowers and all of the feelings I had from that day really came back up and I just couldn't hold it anymore "Y/N Im falling in love with you, I can't hold it back anymore" I instantly regretted saying that once I did I've probably scared her off, well done Harry.


Did I just hear that he's falling for me? But what about Imogen? "What about Imogen tho?" I could tell he didn't want to answer but we can't get past this until we have this conversation" "I don't know Y/N" "do you like her?" "What do you mean?" "I mean do you like her Harry do you want to be with her?" "No I don't think I do" "then why are you with her?" "Because I don't want the confrontation of leaving her she's a lot" "Yeah no kidding" I said as I rolled my eyes "you can't have both Harry, I'm not going to make you pick but you really can't have both , I'm always going to be here for you and I'm always going to be your friend but I can't be anything more until you decide what you want" "you're completely right Y/N, but first I need to ask you something" "okay" "Tom told me what happened on set with you and Imogen why Didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't tell you Harry Because I didn't want to be the person who seemed bitter I didn't want to cause an argument and you and Imogen got so close I feared you wouldn't believe me all the times she's done it" that's when I realised I said to much "all the times what are you talking about Y/N?" "There's been more than one occasion" "like when" I knew that this is my time to be completely honest with Harry and to not hide anymore I wanted this more than anything but I've always wanted to do it right and I think this is the next step so I told him about the Instagram message and the things she does and says when Harry doesn't look and once I did Harry looked so angry. Me: "say something" "I don't know what to say I'm so sorry Y/N that that happened to you" as he put his hand on my lap I could tell that he was feeling genuinely emotional about it so I tried to comfort him "it's okay it's not your fault". "I need to go and speak to her I'll see you later okay" and with that he got up and hugged me and kissed my forehead "I'm sorry again, im happy we can move on from this now" "me too Harry me too" and with that we carried on at toms dinner as normal we made awakened eye contact at times but mostly we attempted to just act like everything was casual this was Tom's & Zs day we both knew it wasn't ours to ruin.

***3 Days later ***

as I arrive on set for Harrys film I become a bit worried I haven't spoken to Harry since Tom's engagement dinner So going into his film could be difficult, as I walk in I see Harry and I go to talk to him. Harry: "Y/N you're hear listen there's something I need to tell you it's about Imogen" "What about her?" And just on que she walks in "hello everyone" as she walks in with big sunglasses and a new tan "I thought you spoke to her?" I said as I looked at Harry "I couldn't she was on holiday for the past 3 days she didn't answer any of my calls I'm going to speak to her now" I just nodded my head not knowing where this was going to go I could feel myself become more and more nervous as Harry approached her. I could see Harry speaking to her and her face becoming externally red with anger I started to worry as I stood there just watching when I got a tap on my shoulder "Hey Y/N" "Tom? Hey what's up? What are you doing here" "I came to support you it's my last day here before I go back out to the far from home press tour and I know how difficult somebody can be" "you're the best Tom" and with that I could hear heels clicking against the floor coming closer towards me.

"YOU" oh no here we go....

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