(4) Walk with me

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As I begin to walk I put my headphones in and take in the view. There's a familiar dog walking trail close to my aunts so I decided it'd be easier to take that trail.
Once we get to the destination I am able to let Parker off his lead and he begins to run freely so I decided to start taking some photos for my Instagram and just general entertainment.

As I'm taking some photos I see the same little dog come running towards parker and they start to play together in this pile of mud, just great. But I begin to wonder where the owner is. Until this gorgeous brunette begins to run after the dog shouting the name of "tessa".
"Tess..."Ouch!!! The boy ran into me without even realising "omg I'm so sorry are you ok?" I get up and dust myself off " yeah I'm fine don't worry about it it's just a little mud I can go wash it off" "are you sure? Should I go take you to a hospital?" "Don't be silly I'm fine" we notice that the dog I now assume is Tessa and parker are completely covered in mud and the sun is beginning to set. So I decide it's best I take parker home to wash him. I go to say something to the boy who bashed me until "I'm .." I get interrupted by a ringing phone "oo I'm sorry I need to take this is my brother Harry, I'm Tom btw sorry about the mud" he says as he walks away to grab Tessa.

As I begin to walk with parker he gets really upset the further we got away from toms dog so upset that he didn't want to leave. But eventually I get him home and begin to wash him and myself. Jheez what a Day I've had, but then I realised the name Harry came up again. "Who is Harry and why does that name keep being mentioned?"

 "Who is Harry and why does that name keep being mentioned?"

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