(15) Its a date

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A/N Y/M/N - your middle name

**earlier that day**
I finally got back from set and realised it's 4pm I didn't really have much planned for the day so I thought it'd be a good time to finally watch infinity war. Fortunately I did get to watch Spider-Man home coming the other day and infinity war is the only film left to catch up on so a marvel night seems in order.
So I begin to watch infinity war and I'm an hour in and I've realised that it's already 7pm and I haven't had a text of Harry yet I begin to get upset wondering why he would ask for my number if he wasn't going to text me but then I get even more upset with myself he's a taken person I can't start to like him when he's in a relationship but I get lost in my thoughts when all of a sudden my phone rings and I look to notice it's Elysia! Oh no!

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N" "okay how do you know my middle name?" "That's besides the point when where you planning on telling me you have a loaded uncle who's a  agent for  the most famous people and are an extra for freaking SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME!!" "Okay I know I'm sorry I'm so sorry I was planning on telling you I just didn't want you to look at me for my family I just needed a best friend not a gold digger" "you're crazy you know that" "I know I'm so sorry please forgive me" "you're forgiven but you better get me something pretty now to make up for it" "deal, I've gotta go zendaya is calling me" "god been away for a week and you're already friends with the celebrities" "haha love you" "love you too"

"Hello?" "Hey Y/N" "Hey Z what's up?" "Harry just text me?"  I begin to get butterflies but I attempt to play it off "oh really what's up?" "Well he said he kinda of erm lost your number and was hoping I could give it him I was just checking it was okay with you first?" "Yeah haha the div of course you can" "you guys are made for each other?" "Huh what do you mean?" "He loves the word div too" "oh no we're not like that I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend we're strictly platonic" "hmm I don't know about that girl maybe you should ask him" and once she said them words I got a little bit of excitement within me maybe I misinterpreted it before maybe he doesn't have a girlfriend! "Haha yeah maybe I should" "Hey before I go what are you doing tonight?" "I'm just gonna watch infinity war why what's up?" "Well I'm about to go meet Tom at the bar do you wanna come?" "Are you sure I don't want to intrude?" "Don't be silly pick you up at 9?" "Cya then"

I decided to pause Infinity war and start getting ready it's already 7.30 as I'm getting ready I hear my phone go off



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Within the time of Harry texting me I have managed to get ready and zendaya has already picked me up and we where on our way to the bar

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Within the time of Harry texting me I have managed to get ready and zendaya has already picked me up and we where on our way to the bar. I was so excited to hear that the girl wasn't Harry's girlfriend and we could go on a date I'm extremely excited I can't wait till he sees me in my outfit zendaya already told me harry is going to be there so I picked an outfit out perfect for tonight.

We finally arrived to the bar and I saw Harry ordering another drink luckily he didn't see me because what I planned next was this

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We finally arrived to the bar and I saw Harry ordering another drink luckily he didn't see me because what I planned next was this...


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Authors note- I hope you're liking the story leave comments to let me know if you want anything adding in 👋🏼

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