(25)Day off

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**Next day****


I wake up and begin to get ready for the day as I go downstairs and are greeted by a smiley Tom and a confused Harrison

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I wake up and begin to get ready for the day as I go downstairs and are greeted by a smiley Tom and a confused Harrison. He was struggling to open the milk top so I walk over and open it for him "you're welcome" as I wink and walk to the other side of the counter and sit down before deciding on breakfast. "Dammit Y/N we wanted to make you breakfast" "when guys that's so sweet how come?" "Just to cheer you up a little you guys have been helping me so much getting over Z we haven't really thought about helping you with Harry" "you guys are so sweet how about we make breakfast together"

** 1 hour later***

"I think we did a good job if you ask me" Tom& Harrison: "agreed"

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"I think we did a good job if you ask me" Tom& Harrison: "agreed". Tom:"so Y/N what's your plans for today?" "I'm going for lunch with Sam and Elysia and dress shopping for Harrys gallery opening on Wednesday, speaking of are you coming?" "Yeah it's zendayas birthday so I think it'll be good to get out of the house, do you wanna go together? I have my hair and makeup team coming over they can do yours too?" "Haha sure thing Tom sounds great but I've got to get going they're here" I forgot it was zendayas birthday I've been so caught up making sure Tom is okay I completely forgot to speak to zendaya I need to text her.

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This is gonna be a success hopefully then they will be able to get back together and everything will go back on track!!! I hope so

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This is gonna be a success hopefully then they will be able to get back together and everything will go back on track!!! I hope so. As I text Z I realise we're all at the restaurant Wagamama it's our favourite place to chill recently after uni we like to go there and get some food and catch up. Sam: "So Y/N what did you get up to last night?" "Oh I was just at toms we had a movie night with haz, tuwaine and Audrey, how was your double date?" Elysia: "Well it was going great until.." Sam: "ELYSIA" me: "what what happened??!" Elysia: "she's my best-friend I'm not not going to tell her sam" that's when the waiter came and gave us our food and I wanted to ask what was wrong but I also didn't want to know so we decided to have an awkward lunch.

After lunch we decided to go dress shopping well just me and Elysia do sam didn't want to he went to go play golf with Harrison Tom and Harry. As were walking around we go into this dress store where I find theses 2 beautiful dresses but I don't know which one would be best suited so I decided to text Harry asking for his advice

That's odd Harry never leaves me on read? "Hey Elys have you spoken to hart today? He's ignoring me?" E: "that's what I wanted to tell you Harry asked Imogen to be his girlfriend last night after mini golf " "WHAT!" "It gets worse he went back to ...

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That's odd Harry never leaves me on read? "Hey Elys have you spoken to hart today? He's ignoring me?" E: "that's what I wanted to tell you Harry asked Imogen to be his girlfriend last night after mini golf " "WHAT!"
"It gets worse he went back to her house and they erm... Sam told me this morning"
"I need to go"
I bought the dresses and left I can't believe this I knew something was going on but I always thought it was Imogen being over the top and Harry didn't want to be the bad guy and push her off but obviously I was mistaken I can't believe this, but I can't let Harry know I'm upset he thinks we're just friends it's all my fault. So I did the one thing I know best and called Tom.

"hold on boys it's Y/N"

More like his little girlfriend he's too chicken to tell me about Erugh as I roll my eyes and get back to golf.

Back to TOMS POV

"Hey Y/N what's up" "Hey Tom can you come over Harry and Imogen got in a relationship last night and he went back to her place and.." by this point I could tell Y/N was in absolute tears so I grabbed my clubs and told the guys I had to go and I'll text them later. Harry just rolled his eyes at me and didn't even say bye, odd. "I'll be there in 20 I'll bring ice cream" "thankyou"

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