(28) What now?

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"So... you like me?" "Listen Harry I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said anything I understand I've probably ruined our friendship but just know I'm so sor..." "Y/N stop I like you too" "but you're with Imogen now Harry, how did that even happen?" "I hard you and what I thought Tom say I love you to each other and I completely over judged it and got really drunk then I went to mini golf and then I said that everyone was asking me what's wrong and I said there was this girl I'm crazy about and want to be with and Imogen assumes it was her and started telling people we where together but because I thought you where with Tom I didn't want to admit it was you so I went along with it because I couldn't look like the dick who was in love with his brother's girlfriend, then I went home with Imogen yes but I went home and so did Imogen we never had sex, she told Sam that we did but we didn't I've never had sex with anyone"

.."you, you ,you love me?"

"Shit" I can't believe I just said that out loud What am I going to do. She's gonna think I'm such a weirdo.

he loves me?! He actually loves me what the hell am I doing to do. I mean I've never thought as hard as love when it comes to me and Harry I've never been in love before I have no idea what love feels like. This has been such a long night then right on que "Harry baby where are you, oh there you are!!" And here comes Imogen "come on Harry we don't waste our time around this when we have your art right in here" she says as she glares at me up and down obviously indicating she's talking about me. "Can we talk later?" Harry asks me and I can't even find the words to reply as I watch him leave the room hand in hand with Imogen.

God that hurt like hell....

(Authors note- it's a pretty sad song and not really that much of a happy chapter so I hope you enjoy this picture of Harry whilst I carry on writing the next x )

(Authors note- it's a pretty sad song and not really that much of a happy chapter so I hope you enjoy this picture of Harry whilst I carry on writing the next x )

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What are you doing to me (Harry Holland)Where stories live. Discover now