(14) Lost digits

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"Hey where are you going?" "I need to be on set in a hour I need to go" "oh that's a shame, is it okay if maybe I can get your number?" I can tell she is looking at me a little unsettled so I attempt to make it seem easier by making up an excuse " it's just so we can discuss the short film for when we get back to London" "oh Haha yeah here I'll write it on this piece of paper for you". And just like that she set off ..

Tom and zendaya have left to go shoot on set so me Harrison and Sam are deciding to stay in until they get back and chill for a bit and then tonight we're gonna go out for some drinks with zendaya before we go back to England unfortunately she isn't coming with us she has to stay back for some meeting with Tommy Hilfiger for her collection that drops in spring so this is the last night we have all together because after today for the next 5 days we're going to be on set until the end. I get up from my position that I was in when Y/N fell asleep on me last night it was so sweet she started to drift off on my shoulder I think she forgot she was in my arms but after the film I slowly fell asleep too it felt so right I really like this girl.

I left all of my things i the theatre but I thought it'd be fine as I went to go get a shower for the day

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I left all of my things i the theatre but I thought it'd be fine as I went to go get a shower for the day . Once I've finished I go to come back to my phone and get Y/Na number when I realise the piece of paper is missing! I go searching everywhere but I can't find it "SAM! HARRISON!" Then Sam comes in first "dude what's wrong??" "Where's the piece of paper I left here?" "I don't know man Harrison was cleaning up before he might of seen it?" "HARRISON" "Yeah?" "Where's the piece of paper I left here?" "I don't know it could be in the trash I just finished cleaning why what's up?" "Y/Ns number was not that paper you idiot!!" "I'm the idiot why didn't you save it into your phone like a normal person you div?" "Because I forgot I don't know, for god sake what am I going to do???" That's when Sam came up with a brilliant idea "why don't you text zendaya and ask her for Y/Ns number? "Good thinking robin" "dude the line is good thinking batman" "no im Batman" "if you where batman you wouldn't have lost Y/Ns number" "shut up you div"

**Hours later***

"Are you almost ready?" I shout up to Harrison we're suppose to meet Tom at the bar but he's been doing his hair for like an hour "coming" "hurry up we're late" and that's when I get a text from Tom

An hour later because Harrison was still pissing around with his hair we finally arrive and see Tom at the bar "hey" "about time!" "I know I'm sorry" "btw I brought Jacob" then out of nowhere Harrison came darting straight to Jacob like they haven...

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An hour later because Harrison was still pissing around with his hair we finally arrive and see Tom at the bar "hey" "about time!" "I know I'm sorry" "btw I brought Jacob" then out of nowhere Harrison came darting straight to Jacob like they haven't seen each other in forever "dude you saw each other yesterday" "shut up Harry you lost Y/Ns number" then Tom looks at me and starts to laugh "dude how did you manage that" "I didn't Harrison threw it away the piece of paper her number was on" "why didn't you just put it in your phone" "because I forgot alright!"
After a couple of hours of drinking and talking I remembered to text zendaya.

An hour later because Harrison was still pissing around with his hair we finally arrive and see Tom at the bar "hey" "about time!" "I know I'm sorry" "btw I brought Jacob" then out of nowhere Harrison came darting straight to Jacob like they haven...

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Just as I'm about to text Y/N non other than Imogen walks in "great" I say to myself "HARR BEAR!" "Oh no" "HARRY!!! HARRY!!HARRY!!" I eventually give up and let her know I've noticed her she comes walking over and sits next to me as she does Tom whispers in my ear "good luck" and walks away. "What's up Imogen? What do you want?" "What do you mean? You're my boyfriend silly I'm saying hello?" And as she finishes that sentence she begins to lean In to attempt to kiss me "WOAH" I say as I stand up "Imogen we went out on like 3 dates like 8 months ago I don't want to be with you , I am and I can not stress this enough not interested in you!" "Aren't you seeing someone anyway?" "Shawn yeah but he's dead beat" "no Imogen I'm sorry but I'm interested in someone else I don't want to be with you leave me alone." God I can't believe that girl she's obsessed, she's done this before with Tom she became all obsessed with him until she found out he's in a relationship with zendaya then moved on to me she's crazy, hopefully she will leave me alone.

And now I can text Y/N ...

A/N please ignore the time on toms text to the one on Harry's I did this at awkward times

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