(5) Who?

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A/N POV- Point of View

Harry's POV
I'm sitting on the sofa when all of a sudden Sam and Elysia walk through the door. "Hey Harry" "hey guys" . "Wyd?" "I'm just about to start editing these pictures I took today I can show you them when they're done if you want? I've just been taking them off the  streets of London mostly" "yeah sure we're gonna go upstairs where's Tom?" "He's gone to take tessa for a walk I need to call him actually I'm going with him when he goes back to shoot far from home I need to sort the dates" "oh Elysia made a new friend today she's kinda cute" said Sam until Elysia slapped his arm playfully "yeah she's totally your type her names.." before they could continue I interrupted them "guys I don't need you to set me up with anyone remember what happened with Imogen? Now she doesn't leave me alone, I think I'm good with the blind dates" "but seriously Harry I think you'll like her she's a photographer she's smart she's pretty and she only lives .." and again I had to interrupt them it's not I wasn't interested it's just I'm so busy with my photography and right now in 2 weeks I'm going away with Tom to finish far from home and then I'll be back for a month permanently I'm going start narrowing into my directing and I've got a new short film that I want to produce so I don't need to be set up with people, plus I've always thought that when I met someone it'd be the cheesy old fashioned way not through other people but maybe one of those are eyes met across the room types? I dunno maybe I'm being a hopeless romantic but I couldn't tell these guys that " I'm sorry guys I'm just really busy with the far from home shootings maybe when I'm back?"
That's when sam begins to walk upstairs with Elysia and I hear "suit yourself but you would've liked Y/N"
Y/N hmmm? Who?

A/N please leave comments let me know what you think

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