(20) Leave me alone pt2

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Finally I can't wait to go pick up Y/N from the airport I've been missing her like crazy I'm so excited to go get her. Ive been getting myself ready all day just to go see her.

I'm just about to get into the car when my phone goes off

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I'm just about to get into the car when my phone goes off. "Hello?" "Harry I need your help quickly please come over" "Imogen I can't I'm about to go pick up Y/N" "please Harry" "is there no one else you can call?" "No please come help me" "right ok"

**20 minutes later**
"Imogen? Imogen?" I walk through her front door and I could hear her shuffling around when I walk into the living room I see that she is on the couch. "Harry I'm so happy you came I fell down the stairs I think I've twisted my ankle" "how did you get to the couch?" "I hoped" I could've sworn I heard he moving around before but I just let it go and decided to help her "ok well we need to get you to the hospital" "NO! I mean no it's fine but can you please go get me some ice" "right okay but then I need to go I'm already running late" I go and get Imogen the ice and place it on her ankle "here are you gonna be okay?" "Please sit with me?" "Imogen" "please Harry" I look down at the time I see that I'm already late I'm not gonna make it in time so I text Tom.

** 1 hour later** "Imogen I need to go now I'm sorry I have to get to work" "fine, hug?" I go to hug Imogen when she grabs me and kisses me so I push her off of me "IMOGEN WHAT THE HELL" "I'm sorry I misread the signal" "WHAT SIGNAL IMOGEN WHAT TH...

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** 1 hour later**
"Imogen I need to go now I'm sorry I have to get to work" "fine, hug?" I go to hug Imogen when she grabs me and kisses me so I push her off of me "IMOGEN WHAT THE HELL" "I'm sorry I misread the signal" "WHAT SIGNAL IMOGEN WHAT THE F*CK" then she started crying so I knew that I just had to act calmly "Imogen it's not gonna happen between us I'm sorry I like Y/N a lot actually and when we where seeing each other it just wasn't it for me I'm sorry but we can still be friends" luckily she calms down and looks at me with what seems to be a half devilish smile and said "I'm sorry Harry you're right That was rude of me how about I buy you a drink tonight? To say sorry?" "What about your ankle?" "I'm sure it'll be fine, it'll be better if you come out with us tonight" as she bats her eyelids at me I felt bad for shouting at her. "Yeah okay but I really have to go now" "okay I'll see you tonight".

**20 minutes later***
"Sorry I'm late"....

I got dressed and decided to head to the bar where I would be meeting Imogen and her friends sam did try to call me before but I missed it and I already told Imogen I'd be there for 6 and it's now 5.59 so I got into my taxi and headed to the club.

(A/N I know Tom is in the photo and I didn't mention anything about him in the last chapter but I just wanted to post this picture because well they're gorgeous so moving on

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(A/N I know Tom is in the photo and I didn't mention anything about him in the last chapter but I just wanted to post this picture because well they're gorgeous so moving on ..)

When I arrived I saw Imogen at the bar so I decided to go over and we started talking and had a good night she bought drinks and so did I and everyone else we where having fun, I started to become pretty tipsy because I drank so much and I really started to miss Y/N. SHIT Y/N I thought I haven't been able to text her all day I completely forgot I haven't been able to go on my phone with Imogen and then work shit so I decide to go on my phone to attempt to text her but because I was so tipsy I couldn't see the screen so I just put my phone in my pocket and decided to text her later. God Y/N I'm missing her so much right now the way her Y/E/C eyes just make me melt Erugh I need to stop being such a sappy div I must've been missing her a lot because when I looked round I could've sworn I saw her face but maybe I'm missing her too much. We all decided to go dance when Imogen starts dancing with me I don't think anything of it and have a good time that's when she tries to say something in my ear and I just can't seem to understand what she's saying the music is too loud so she comes closer to me and I start to get a bit anxious but just brush it off I'm assuming she just wants to talk to me that's when she grabs my neck and kisses me I was completely shocked I push her off of me when I notice Y/N.

SHIT Y/N "Imogen what the f*ck are you doing we already spoke about this leave me alone and don't talk me" I push Imogen out of the way and start to run after Y/N fuck "Y/N please" "Y/N" I don't know what to do I see her get in the taxi when she tells me to leave her alone and I attempt to run after it but it drives away.

What am I going to do.. I decide to just get in a taxi myself and head home I can't be out any longer I just need to get in bed ...

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