(6) Time to fly

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Your POV
***2 weeks later***
So I leave for FFH (far from home) in 1 week and I've realised that I have nothing prepared I'm going out there for 2 weeks and I have no clothes packed at al in fact I don't even have a suitcase "shit" I realise that I need to go to the store and get some more things.

I get in the shower and throw on my clothes I don't have time to dry my hair so I let it flow naturally along with my makeup I just apply some light mascara and lip gloss whilst I grab my keys and get in my car the store closes in an hour.

As I'm driving to to the store I hear my phone ring so I answer it's Elysia we've became really good friends over the past 2 weeks her and Sam are so sweet I love hanging out with them

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As I'm driving to to the store I hear my phone ring so I answer it's Elysia we've became really good friends over the past 2 weeks her and Sam are so sweet I love hanging out with them. "Hello" "Hey Y/N what are you up to?" " I'm actually just about to go to the store I need to pick up a few things before I go on holiday tomorrow" " oh yeah I forgot about that I was gonna ask if you wanted to come over to my house me and the guys are doing a movie night sams twin brother is coming" I didn't realise Sam had a brother or even a twin "I'm sorry hun I have a early flight I really don't have to time to I haven't even packed" "don't worry about it hun FaceTime me when you're there! I'll miss you" and just before I could reply I hear this deep voice in the back ground "do you guys want anything I'm gonna go to the store and pick up some things before the movie night" I assumed it could be Sam but it sounded a lot deeper than sams voice I just decide to ignore it "don't worry I will do I'll talk to you later!"

Shower bag check, pyjamas check okay great I think to myself I have almost everything now all I need is my suitcase as I start to search the isle I'm attempting to find a suitcase I know there is a gorgeous black one I saw the other week as I walk I see it on the top of the high shelf but I'm unable to reach it, as I put my lousy attempt into getting the suitcase in unable to until this hot curly haired brown eyed boy comes up next to me "here let me help you with that" he grabs the suitcase for me "there you go" "thankyou" the brown curly haired boy gives me a quick smile and continues walking.

As im driving home i think about that boy he was incredibly cute it's a shame I won't be able to see him again. As i get home I begin to start packing I have a long night ahead before the flight.

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