(24) A very jealous holland

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I couldn't think of a picture so enjoy this video of Tom & Harrison


I get ready and go to tom's I bring an overnight bag as Tom lets me stay in the spare room when I go round and leave it at the door entrance

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I get ready and go to tom's I bring an overnight bag as Tom lets me stay in the spare room when I go round and leave it at the door entrance. As I walk in I see a very smiley happy little pup run towards me with a little wagging tale. "Well hello gorgeous who are you". "Oh hey Y/N this is my dog Tessa my parents have been looking after her for the past couple weeks because of the redecorating but she moved back in today" Tessa I thought hmmm she looks so familiar "Awhh she's very adorable" and then I could hear voices in the kitchen. So I follow the noise "Hey guys" "Hey Y/N" it was Harrison, Tuwaine & Audrey. We've all recently been doing this a lot where we all chill at toms order take out and watch films were all really trying to support Tom through his break up and get him feeling better before he heads off to 3 months of the press tour.

"Hey tuwain did you bring the movie?" I ask "Yes hangover 2" "hell yeah I'll go order the Chinese" says Harrison. "Cool I'm just gonna make a phone call to my mum before we start" "no worries" says Tom who is in the couch with Tessa telling her he loves her and how much of a good dog she is.


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I haven't been able to stop thinking about Tom and Y/N since this afternoon I even cancelled on my plans because it was getting too me too much , I bet they're at toms now cuddling on the couch. NO HARRY I can't think like this maybe it's best that I just go over and ask them what's going on surely they would tell me wouldn't they? So I set off and get to toms. I open the door and the first thing I see is an overnight bag? I know it's not toms it must be Y/N's. They are together I knew it!!! I was about to open the door that led to the kitchen and living room when I heard Tom say "I love you" and then Y/N said "we can't tell him not yet, I love you too". They're talking about me I knew it!!! They're watching the hangover 2 aswell that's mine and Y/Ns favourite film how could she. I couldn't even face to go in so I just walked out sand got in my car and drove off in anger. I can't believe this. Ring!! Ring!!! "Hey Imogen change of plans be there in 20".


"Did you guys hear something?" "No Y/N you're just going crazy" "shut up haz" and with that we sat down and watched the hangover together. As it starts I begin to feel a little sad because I know it's mine and Harrys favourite film. Tom: "hey are you okay?" "Yeah it's mine and Harrys favourite film just makes me miss him yano" Audrey: "I get that lets change the film only happy vibes right?" Tom: "Absolutely, Spider-Man it is" US: "NO" tuwaine: "we watched that twice last time Tom" haz: "why don't we just pick one out of a hat? We all put a film we want to watch in and then Y/N can pick it?" Audrey: "great idea ready??"

I ended up picking Spider-Man: Home coming leading to a very happy Thomas ....

I ended up picking Spider-Man: Home coming  leading to a very happy Thomas

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