(27) Whats going on?

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"I KNEW IT..."

"Harry what are you talking about knew what?" I say as I let go off Tom and lightly wipe my tears from under my eye. "You and him you two you're seeing each other I knew it and you never told me." Tom& me: "WHAT!" Me and Tom couldn't control ourselves we looked at each other and started laughing " what are you talking about Harry?" "I heard you two together the other night I came round to toms I saw your night bag and I heard you both say I love you to each other and Y/N said we can not tell him not yet obviously meaning me!" "Harry wait let me explain that" "there's nothing to explain you're together"

"you're what?" We heard the voice behind us say and as we turn to see zendaya.

Tom & Harry: "zendaya what are you doing here" "I invited her so that Tom and Z could talk their issues out they've both been missing each other like crazy" Tom:"is that true you, you miss me z?" Z: "yes I miss you more than anything I came to talk it out butting seems I walked into something"
"Everybody just hold on a second and let us explain" "Harry what you heard was Tom speaking to Tessa and you heard me on the phone to my mum I was discussing my step dads birthday present but we weren't sure what to get him so we need to talk to my brother but he's on holiday right now so we decided to wait to tell him, and if you waited a little longer you would've known that Harrison,Audrey & tuwaine where also there, we all had a movie night we've been doing it often because we where helping Tom get through this break up with Z"
Harry: "then why has Tom been around set all the time and he's the only person you talk to?"
"Because your bitch of a girlfriend keeps threatening me and telling me I'm not good enough and it's been running me down so Tom has been helping me get through it"
Harry:"but you came together"
"Yes because I had to make sure Tom was here for Z and Tom had to force me after I found out that you and Imogen got together in a relationship and had sex not even 3 hours after getting into the relationship it hurt me because I like you Harry I like you a lot I like you so much that seeing you with someone else hurts but I want what's best for you I always will, and if she is what you want then I refuse to get in the way"


Z: "Tom is this true?" "All of it is true me and Y/N have never been like that we've just been relaying on each other trying to get through this situation we're all seeming to be in" Z:"I missed you so much" "I missed you too Z and there's something I need to ask you" this is it finally the moment that I've been waiting for the moment that I can finally ask the girl I love to marry me I get down on one knee and I pull the ring out of my blazer pocket I never went anywhere without it I always held onto it just incase and I knew I had all reasons too "Zendaya Maree stoermer Coleman I have loved you since the moment I met you 5 years ago I have never loved anyone the way I loved you I planned this so long ago and I always wondered when the right time would be and I can't think of anything better than you and me and right now I'm sorry it's not the New York fall with red roses that you wanted.." Y/N: "actually Tom I bought red roses for Z's birthday I hope these are okay" .."okay I'm sorry it's not the New York fall that you wanted unless Y/N has a weather machine packed in there but I want you to know I have always planned on having you by my side through out the rest of my days and I hope that you'll say yes and plan to do the same with me, Zendaya maree stoermer Coleman will do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

"okay I'm sorry it's not the New York fall that you wanted unless Y/N has a weather machine packed in there but I want you to know I have always planned on having you by my side through out the rest of my days and I hope that you'll say yes and pl...

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(Authors note-let's imagine its Tom and z pls)

and just like that I picked up my bride to be and kissed her right then and there nothing could ever make me upset again with her by my side.
Z: "where did you get the ring?"
"I bought it ages ago I always planned to do this and when we broke up I just couldn't bring myself to not have it on me I had to keep it, happy birthday my darling"

"Im so happy for you guys" I say as I wipe a tear from my face Z:"this wouldn't have happened without you thankyou so much Y/N this is the best birthday gift I've ever had" "you're welcome guys"
Z: "eek I need to go tel my family before social media does!" "Haha guys I'll catch you later"
As they walk away Tom turns and says "oh btw Y/N"
"Yeah?" "Thankyou for everything" "you're welcome Tom" and then the newly engaged couple go off together into the gallery surrounded by friends and family sharing the good news I was so happy for them so happy that I completely forgot that I blurted our to Harry that I was practically in love with him whilst he has a girlfriend I turn to see the Room and notice it's just me and Harry left I try to fix my eyes on the beautiful painting in-front of me when Harry comes and stands besides me ...
Oh great I think this is going to go well

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