(19) Leave me alone

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I wake up from my power nap since the jet lag started to hit me to Elysia calling me. "Hello?" "Hey girlfriend so now you're back we're all going out tongiht and you're coming too" "el I don't know I still haven't heard from Harry when he was meant to pick me up from the airport" "don't worry about it it'll be fine I'm not even sure he's coming it just seems to be sam me and the guys" "yeah okay" "great get ready be round in 2 hours to get you" "okay".

Once the called ended I groaned I'm still upset that Harry didn't come and pick me up and he hasn't even replied to me since my last text telling him I was home maybe I should call him? Nah I don't want to seem to much it's just so strange that he hasn't replied to me all day, oh well atleast I can have a good night out without him and just enjoy my time with el I missed her anyway.

**2 hours later***
Finally I'm ready!

I'm actually excited tbh about tonight it'll be good to just let my hair down and not worry

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I'm actually excited tbh about tonight it'll be good to just let my hair down and not worry. I've started to become worried that maybe I let myself fall a little too quickly for Harry I think I should just let go off of him for now and if it's suppose to happen it will but that night in lA was one of the most romantic nights I've ever had. I've never had a boyfriend before not a serious one anyway, there was this one guy named Dom who I was totally crazy for but turns out he was just getting with me because of my family so I let him go and since then I haven't been able to get close to anyone since I'm scared that they will just use time for their own Benefit, but I decide to shake the idea of Dom out of my head and just enjoy tonight.

***time skip****I've been having such a good night with Sam and el we've really been enjoying ourselves we've decided to go to some club that el picked she found it when we where away and it's been such a good time tbh we've had fun

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***time skip****
I've been having such a good night with Sam and el we've really been enjoying ourselves we've decided to go to some club that el picked she found it when we where away and it's been such a good time tbh we've had fun. Harry didn't show which I wasn't sure if I was happy or sad about, I wanted him to come so I could see him and ask him where he was but also I didn't because I'm too scared to know the answer "Hey Y/N come dance with us" that's when I got snapped out of my thoughts by the girls so I decided to just try and forget about Harry and just enjoy my night. As I'm dancing I look over to the bar and notice someone who looks exactly like Harry but I just figured it's me being drunk and thinking about him too much so I brush it off .

As I'm dancing I begin to look harder and notice that Imogen is here and that it is Harry that I can see. I instantly become happy but also confused to why he's out with Imogen I start to walk over to Harry to confront him when I see Imogen grab him by the neck and begin to kiss him! My heart completely shattered I was so confused and hurt I didn't know what to do I just stood there starring at him kissing her. I felt so betrayed as my eyes start to swell I notice Harry looks up and he noticed me, I don't want to handle this right so I just run away from him and run outside to get some fresh air but then I hear him shouting my name "Y/N wait Y/N" "shit" I thought so I just ran into the taxi rank and jumped in the first taxi I see that's when Harry comes to the window and bangs "Y/N please" I put the window down and look at him with tears in my eyes "please just leave me alone Harry" and with that I tell the taxi driver to go to my address as I begin to cry into my hands I text El & Sam telling them what happened and that I was going home.

My heart felt completely distraught....

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