(2) First day down

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**A/N you guys might wanna read so you know for further. Y/N-your name , Y/L/N-your last name, Y/E/C-your eye colour , Y/H/C- your hair colour. Got it awesome ***

Okay so you know what I'm doing but you guys don't me well you so let's start this...

My name is Y/N Y/L/N I'm 19 years old I'm English I have Y/E/C eyes & Y/H/C hair, I'm a pretty chilled person my favourite things to do are: photography, reading, art  & binge watching Netflix. I'm a big fan of festivals, coffee shops, parks & music but my favourite thing is Acting, It's the subject I am studying in university.

My uncle Tony always says once I'm out of university he's going to manage me, he believes in me and I honestly can't wait, but I'm in no rush to be famous right now I want to enjoy my life now whilst I can before I start the whole "adult" life everyone keeps talking about. I know he wishes he could start me now but I'm just not ready. I do do a lot of extra stuff just to build up my portfolio before I get into the real thing, I have been since I was a kid the first thing I did was for a movie called (your favourite movie)  it was one of the best experiences I've ever had it's what pushed me to get into this acting stuff.

Just recently Tony told me he got me in a extra job On the new Spider-Man: Far From home. I'm not sure if you're familiar with it? I'm a big marvel geek I grew up on it so you can imagine how happy I was to find out. Anyway I leave in 2 weeks so my POA (plan of action) is to get to know my university friends.

As I walk into my first university lesson ever! I start to notice everyone and everyone starts to notice me so I set my things down and sit next to this girl with dark hair and I introduce myself...
"Hey I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N" I take out my hand for her to shake it but as I slowly pull it out I realise that I look like a total idiot and stop half way through but she notices and pulls out her hand and shakes my half way in the air handshake and introduces herself "Hey Y/N , Y/N Y/L/N " she said as she wiggles her eyebrows "I'm Elysia , Elysia Dayman are you new?" "That hard to tell huh?" "No don't worry you're doing fine I could just tell you seemed nervous but there's nothing to stress about you'll fit in great"
And that was the beginning of how my life started to completely change

***3 hours later****

"Hey you did great today, have you had an acting experience before?" I looked at Elysia unsure of how to reply i don't really like telling people about myself because once everyone knows me they start to know my uncle Tony he's known quite well and then people start to expect things from me so I like to keep that side of myself private to avoid that happening and since I knew no one knew me I thought what the heck it wouldn't hurt to tell a simple white lie. " No, I just watch a lot of Netflix I guess" (god did this come round to bite me in the back again) I shrug off in hopes she won't question it further. "Oh well you really did do great, hey what you doing now. A couple of friends and I are going to this really retro coffee shop round the corner you want to come?" I figured it'll be good to get to know people so why not. "Yeah sure let me just grab my bag and we can go"

A/N ooo okay guys so we've met Elysia I hope you're liking it so far :)

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