(18) Where are you?

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I am completely and utterly happy with everything that happened tonight i honestly couldn't be smiling any more. I decided to just leave my phone on charge I still haven't gone on it I was having too much of a good night for it to be ruined so I ran a hot bath.

***NEXT DAY***I've been shooting all day and I finally got back to my uncles I've been texting Harry quite a lot when I have the chance and it's been great expect Tom and zendaya keep teasing me over it but I hate to admit I do kinda of miss him I...

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***NEXT DAY***
I've been shooting all day and I finally got back to my uncles I've been texting Harry quite a lot when I have the chance and it's been great expect Tom and zendaya keep teasing me over it but I hate to admit I do kinda of miss him I can't wait to see him. And just like that he called me "hey Y/N" "Hey Harry what's up?" "Oh nothing just making sure you're ready to come home tomorrow" "yeah I can't wait you're picking me and Tom up from the airport right?" "Yeah darling I'll see you then" "okay bye".
I decided it's about time to see the message that I got off of Imogen before so I decided to open it.

Imogen_23: hey Y/N just wanted to introduce myself since we didn't get to speak much tonight and we're probably going to see each other a lot since I'm also on harrys film too 😁. We should meet up when you're in the city Harry told me how you come back in 2 days but I flew out with Harry :) just so you know me and Harry have something going on so I'd appreciate it if you didn't bother trying to jump into his pants k thanks see you soon :).

WHAT! is all I thought Erugh what a bitch Harry already explained to me what happened and how she latches onto him but i don't understand why he would hire her for his movie when all he does is complain that she doesn't leave him alone? I decided to just ignore it since I didn't want to cause an argument or tension for Harry or anyone when we start filming and I'll just ask him about it tomorrow when I see him. I've had such a long day anyway I think it's best I pack the rest of my stuff and go to sleep I have an early flight tomorrow anyway.

"Y/N wake up" Erugh "Y/N!!!!" And just like that I jumped out of my bed! "You need to get up you're leaving in 30 minutes for the airport" "Erugh thanks uncle Tony" "no problem kid" so since I was up I decided to get a shower and get changed.

I figured I have a 12 hour flight with Tom so I'll do my makeup and things on the plane before I get off to see Harry and then I remembered I'll be seeing Harry I couldn't wait!!

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I figured I have a 12 hour flight with Tom so I'll do my makeup and things on the plane before I get off to see Harry and then I remembered I'll be seeing Harry I couldn't wait!!


**Time skip to the plane**

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**Time skip to the plane**

"I just had the best nap!" " haha glad you're liking the joys of my jet" "haha shut up idiot" "so are you excited to see Harry" "yeah I am actually I haven't seen him since the other day so i can't wait" "haha yeah he's been talking about you to" I couldn't help but blush when Tom told me that it made me even more excited to see his face! "So Y/N I need to ask you something since you're the only other girl I know that I can come to about this" "oh god tom don't tell me you're actually a woman!" "Haha no shut up idiot I'm serious" "okay okay I'll stop shoot what's up?" "What do you think about this?"

"I just had the best nap!" " haha glad you're liking the joys of my jet" "haha shut up idiot" "so are you excited to see Harry" "yeah I am actually I haven't seen him since the other day so i can't wait" "haha yeah he's been talking about you to" ...

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"Tom I'm flattered but I don't think of you like that" "Y/N I'm being serious I'm thinking about proposing to Zendaya do you think she will like it?" "Tom this ring is gorgeous she's going to love it!! And if not I'll have it" I say joking and Tom just rolls his eyes giving up in trying to get me to be serious "I'm happy you felt you could tell me this" "it's fine I just don't have maybe people I can trust and I need a girls opinion. "Ok I'm excited now I can't wait for the wedding" "me too" said Tom "me too" ...

***time later after the jet  ride***
Finally I step off the jet and the fresh London air hits my face "home sweet home" I was so excited to know I'd be seeing Harry I couldn't wait "hurry up Tom come on!" "I'm coming I'm coming" Tom shouts at me. As we walk out of the airport we look around hoping to see Harry "Y/N come on we have to go before the paparazzi notice us" "where's Harry?" "Did he not tell you he can't make it?" Instantly my heart becomes sad "no he never said anything" "come on I got us an Uber" as I get into the car I text Harry asking him where he is but I don't get a reply..

 As we walk out of the airport we look around hoping to see Harry "Y/N come on we have to go before the paparazzi notice us" "where's Harry?" "Did he not tell you he can't make it?" Instantly my heart becomes sad "no he never said anything" "come ...

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