(21) Next day

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As I woke I feel completely and utterly hungover I turn to look at my phone an notice so many miss calls & text messages but I'm so not in the mood to talk to anymore today so I roll out of bed and put on some clothes, I've decided it'll be best if I go for a jog to clear the air I think I'll take Parker but first coffee...

YOUR POVAs I woke I feel completely and utterly hungover I turn to look at my phone an notice so many miss calls & text messages but I'm so not in the mood to talk to anymore today so I roll out of bed and put on some clothes, I've decided it'll b...

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As I begin to walk to the coffee shop I hear my phone ring in my pocket so I opened it to realise it's Tom FaceTiming me. "Hey Y/N are you busy this morning ?" "No I was about to go to Starbucks then head out for a jog wanna join?" "I'll defiantly meet you for coffee but a jog is a no go" "see you there in 10?" "Cool see you soon"....

As I arrive at Starbucks I already see Tom sitting down so I go order then join him, "Hey Y/N" "Hey Tom how are you?" "Yeah I'm good but hey listen, so you know I've been thinking about proposing to Z but I have no idea how to do it please please ...

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As I arrive at Starbucks I already see Tom sitting down so I go order then join him, "Hey Y/N" "Hey Tom how are you?" "Yeah I'm good but hey listen, so you know I've been thinking about proposing to Z but I have no idea how to do it please please help me?" "You know I will, why don't I just call her ask her a couple questions but make it seem like general knowledge kinda stuff I won't tell her I'm with you?" "God you're a genius" "I know I know I'll call her now" ....
"Hey Y/N what's up?" "Hey Z so I'm thinking about going on a short trip but I can't decide where what's your favourite place?" "New York defiantly" "what about season?" "fall for sure?" "Cool cool, hey your birthdays soon isn't it what are your favourite flowers? You know something I can send you?" "Red roses for sure they're my favourite" "thanks Z I'll see you soon okay?" "Sure". "Y/N you're a star" "look at that 10 minutes and my coffee is still steaming hot, you owe me Holland" "for sure!, hey how's it going with Harry?" "Not well but I'm sure sam will catch you up I don't feel like talking about it rn Parker is getting impatient and I'm in the mood to blow off some steam". "Thankyou so much Y/N" "You're welcome Tom I'll catch you after"

And with that Tom walked off and me and Parker decided to start getting rest for our jog in the park as you begin jogging you hear your phone buzz again "can nobody give me a break today" it was sam

And with that Tom walked off and me and Parker decided to start getting rest for our jog in the park as you begin jogging you hear your phone buzz again "can nobody give me a break today" it was sam

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(A/N I know it's a live but pretend it's ft Pls)

"Hey Y/N Wyd?" "Hey sam I was about to go for a jog before I got rudely interrupted" "sorry my apologies I just wanted to know if you maybe wanted to come out later with us I know last night wasn't a big hit but you can't stay in on your own on a Saturday" "it's alright sam honestly I really would rather just stay in" "okay well we will all go for lunch tomorrow when I finish work?" "Sounds like a plan sam see you then" "see you"

As I finally get on my jog I start to notice the cutest little dog running freely through the park she looks so familiar to me and I noticed that Parker started to take interest as he ran over to her and they began to play together so I deceived to go over and monitor that's when the little dog began to come up to me and she started to lick my face she was so sweet she had a coller on her with the name tessa and a contact number underneath, I began to type the number in my phone it contact when ... "tessa ..TESSA" I heard this sweet sounding woman begin to call her name with a young sounding boy that's when I start to wave the people over to let them know she was with me...

"Oh thank god, she loves to run off thankyou for keeping hold of her she's such a rascal" "oh no honestly it was my pleasure, my name is Y/N" "I'm Nikki and this is my son Paddy" "Hey, you have a cute dog what's their name" "Parker" "he's so sweet...

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"Oh thank god, she loves to run off thankyou for keeping hold of her she's such a rascal" "oh no honestly it was my pleasure, my name is Y/N" "I'm Nikki and this is my son Paddy" "Hey, you have a cute dog what's their name" "Parker" "he's so sweet can I pet him" "yeah absolutely here he loves these treats if you give them him he will do little tricks" as I handed the young boy dog treats and watched him play with Parker. "They're so sweet together" "yeah they really are" I will admit there wasn't much motion to my face as I watched the dogs play I started to think of Harry it's funny how little things like that creep up on you but Nikki obviously noticed.
"Are you alright love? You look down?" "Yeah it's just boy stuff you know" "you can talk to me about it if you want i know I'm a stranger but I could give some good advice" I agreed with her offer and we say down on the closest bench as paddy was with the dogs and began to explain everything that happened I never mentioned Harrys or anyone's name I tried not I didn't want to give out everyone's names to a complete stranger as lovely as she sounded "if you ask me you should really speak to him see what really happened whoever this guy is he could have a really good explication he could really like you" "yeah you're right I haven't even attempted to yet I've been so upset" "defiantly you should speak to him you never know" and with that Parker came running back over with tessa and paddy.
"Looks like it's time to get out of here we're already running late for The day it was lovely meeting you Y/N" " you too Nikki and you paddy" "bye Y/N" and with that I carried on my jog as normal and finally arriving home ...

A/N sorry for not updating as often as possible I'm swamped but I'll try to post as much as I can and truthfully I've been having writers block

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