(11) Your version

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I got back from the bathroom and saw zendaya Tom and Harry sitting down at the bar Harry had a ring binder in front of him and he seemed to be going through some papers with Tom so I decided to sit with them but just as I went to sit next to Harry the same blonde girl who called him over previously took my seat before I could even pull out the chair so I decided to just sit opposite of him and when I do he looks up at me with the cutest smirk and mouths "sorry" as the blonde latches her eyes on Harry.

"So Y/N this is Imogen Harrys

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"So Y/N this is Imogen Harrys.." and before Tom could continue she already interrupted "girlfriend" my heart completely sank I really thought that maybe me and Harry could Pursue something but I guess he's taken. I could see Harry and Imogen discussing  something in the corner of my eye but I chose to ignore it when zendaya tapped me on the shoulder "hey you should tell him about auditioning for the part in his film" "yeah sure why not, hey so Harry, Tom told me about your short film you wanted to do back in London I was thinking maybe I could audition for the main role" "REALLY?!" He said very over excited but it was so cute I couldn't help but giggle "that would be great you don't even need to audition you can have the role I've been struggling to get the perfect person for the part but you'd be great! Thanks Y/N" "but harr bear you said I could do that part" (harr bear? Really ew) "No Imogen I didn't I said I need a British girl for the part it's set in old England you're American and your British accent is terrible" "hmm fine." And then Imogen just stormed off thank god I feel bad that it made me smile a little I won't lie then I checked the time and I realised it was already 8pm I had to get back I need to be on set at 4am I need sleep. "Hey guys I'm sorry I need to go I have to be on set tomorrow at 4am" "what why you're an extra" "I know but I'm living with my uncle and he has to be there early for zendaya so I have to go along with him thanks Z" "hehe you're welcome girl will you give me a lift back with you? I don't like travelling on my own and Tom is staying with Harry tonight" "yeah of cause I'll go get the car" and as I'm about to go I notice Harry staring at me in Awhh I can't help but blush but as I do I look and see Imogen on his shoulder giving me a death stare so I decide to just brush it off and get out of there quickly "I'll see you tomorrow Tom, nice meeting you guys" and with that I set off.

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