(10) Finally

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For some reason I'm in dead anxious to meet Harry, there's something inside me that makes me think I'm suppose to meet him it's crazy I keep hearing the name Harry a lot but I suppose it's not that coincidental. "He should be around here somewhere, HARRRYYYYY! HARRY!!!!"
And just like that "WHA..Omg" my heart completely fluttered into a thousand pieces it was the boy from the store the one who helped me get my suit case off the shelf I was speechless I was completely speechless until Tom snapped me out of my trance  "Harry this is Y/N"  I could've swore I heard him say under his breath "hmm y/n" and that's when he came up to me and I went to put my hand out but he went to hug me it was a little awkward so we just dropped it "hey I'm Harry i helped you the other day get your suitcase from the top shelf" "aha yeah you did thankyou for that again" "don't worry about it beautiful" said Harry. "wait you guys know each other already?" That's when tom realised. "Yeah we kinda already met wait how do you guys know each other?" Said Harry "Y/N is an extra on FFH we just met today her uncle is Zendaya's  agent that's who we just came from dinner with" "haha what a small world" zendaya laughed and just like that I blushed he was staring into my eyes until "Harry come here" a gorgeous blonde girl called harry's name and he turned "sorry guys I've got to go I'll come catch up with you in a sec" and then he just walked off. "So Y/N what do you think of Harry?" "Yeah he seems nice do you guys know where the bathroom is?" "Down the hall to the left" "thanks"


"He totally likes her" I turn to zendaya "they totally like each other" "it's funny aswell they did the awkward hand shake hug that we did when we first met" "Yeah I still don't remember that" "shut up and kiss me" I loved being with zendaya she's the sweetest but one day I will get her to remember that moment. That's when I noticed Imogen is here oh no this can't go good Imogen is Harry's ex girlfriend she constantly stalks him and comments on mine and my brothers stuff she's never managed to leave him alone since he gets so frustrated with her this can't be good. 

A/N sorry guys if you're not a Tomdaya  shipper but I totally am so... also I just realised that I used the name Imogen and I've had messages asking if it's about Imogen lever tbh I completely forgot about her it was just a name I used and I've already ran with it now so... again but I appreciate the reads thankyou anyway guys 😚❤️

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