(23) New love in heartbreak?

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"Hey Z" as I walk into zendayas house I could tell something wasn't exactly quite right I haven't seen her in about 3 weeks normally she greets me with hugs and smiles and kisses but she didn't even turn her head off the couch. "Hey darling what's up?" "Tom we need to talk." "Well that doesn't sound good what's wrong?"
"I think we should break up" "what why?!" "Because I want something more out of this weve been together almost 5 years and you just haven't shown any signs of anything I think it's best if we do" "wait please Z listen just Atleast wait until after your birthday it's in 5 days you might change your mind!" "What can possibly change in 5 days" "you'd be surprised" "I'm sorry Tom I can't do this anymore please just leave me alone I need to just think"
"Ok I'll leave you alone but just Atleast consider it" and with that I walked back to my hotel I can't believe that just happened I flew all this way out just to spend one day with her for This to happen I'm gonna get my stuff and go back home I need to be with family and luckily I have 3 more weeks off work before the press tour begins for Spider-Man Far From Home to get my head around this all my heart is shattered. Just 5 days before I was about to propose.

****1 week later****

it's been a whole week since me and Harry spoke about everything filming started on Monday and so far it's been okay Imogen has been all over Harry as per sometimes she will literally be all over him sitting on his lap or playing with his hair and I just see him mouth to me "sorry" but I brush it off like it doesn't matter to me when secretly it does but I can't let it show. We've only been filming the basics we haven't really done much as of yet the real filming starts tomorrow so tonight I'm going to revise my lines. Tom called me in the week and explained everything that had been happening I invited him to come round today to maybe get his mind of things he said he'd think about it I can tell he's hurting so I didn't want to push but hopefully who knows.
Just like that a knock was on the door. "Come in" "Hey Y/N it's Tom" "I figured! I'm in the kitchen" that's when Tom walked in I could tell he had been crying his eyes where red and puffy then he sat down

***3 days later*****Tom has been coming to set a lot recently we've became so close he knows I hate seeing Harry with Imogen and I don't think he wants to be alone so we've really been relaying on each other recently although my heartbreak isn't a...

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***3 days later*****
Tom has been coming to set a lot recently we've became so close he knows I hate seeing Harry with Imogen and I don't think he wants to be alone so we've really been relaying on each other recently although my heartbreak isn't as bad as his we still manage to be there for each other. "Hey Y/N" "Hey Tom what's up" "nothing I was just wondering if you wanted to do a movie night with me tonight and we can watch the hangover part 2" "sure I'd love too, I'll catch you in a little I need to go film with Imogen" I sat with a scoff "no worries I'll be with Sam"

 "Hey Y/N" "Hey Tom what's up" "nothing I was just wondering if you wanted to do a movie night with me tonight and we can watch the hangover part 2" "sure I'd love too, I'll catch you in a little I need to go film with Imogen" I sat with a scoff "...

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"AND CUT" Harry tells that's when I look at Imogen it's really hard to act with her when we have to pretend to be best friends but once the camera stops rolling she just glares And always has something sarcastic to say. Just after Harry yells cut she says "you're so terrible at this Harry's only got you here because he feels sorry for you" "shut up Imogen you really think you can belittle me because of your own petty insecurities, you're not even with Harry and neither am I so stop trying to cause trouble You're ruining the energy" and with that I walked off. God she can be such a bitch.

As I'm walking Harry starts to approach me "Hey Y/N that was great, what's going on with you and Imogen?" "Oh nothing she was just giving me constructive criticism about the scene don't worry about it" I'm happy to see you getting along" "yeah me too" . Why did I lie? I lied because I couldn't face telling Harry I was having a terrible time this project is so important to him I can't let him be stressed over other people's actions beside they have been getting so close again recently I fear he won't believe me so I just hide it away the only person who I really talk to about it is Elysia and Tom, I just don't want to let anybody down. "So anyway Y/N me, Sam, Imogen & Elysia are going out to play mini golf tonight do you want to come?" "As tempting as that sounds I can't sorry, it's movie night at toms and I agreed to go to his before you asked also, I don't want to rain on your double date, but you guys have fun okay!" And then I saw Tom behind Harry so I go to him and he hugs me I know Tom noticed what happened between me and Imogen so he's always there to comfort me.


"I don't want to rain on your double date" and then she just walks off. Double date?? This isn't a double date? Is it?! And why is Y/N hugging Tom like that he's been around here so much more recently and then two are constantly together all the time, now they're having a movie night just the two of them alone, am I missing something?....

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