Chapter 14

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~ Leigh's POV~

School was exhausting. I felt like a walking zombie. It was raining out and I didn't know it would. My flip flop broke and drop top to my Volkwagen broke. So I drove in the rain because I told Oliver to leave without me. Since my drop top broke my mascara ran and my make up made me look like a clown. My hair is matted to my head. And I realized there was a hole in my shirt right where my boob is, so you can see my flower print bra. 

I was walking to Trig when somebody else stepped on my flip flop and that one snapped too! Frustrated, I took off the shoes and walked to class barefoot. Mr. Leskandowske then passed out a test that I had no clue we were going to have. My heart sunk and I shut down. I stared at the test until the time ran out. The second the bell rang, I ran out. Lunch finally. I waited around for Anna, Jordan and Oliver but I didn't see them. When I saw Oliver, I took a huge breath of relief. 

" Hey b-

" Hey Leigh. I gotta go! I have to make up a test, so I can't have lunch with you. And I may be home late too. So don't wait up for me."

I forced a smile and nodded my head.

" Of course. Well I gotta go find Anna!" I said before running off.

Turns out, Anna was home sick so Jordan stayed with her. And my other friends were mad at me for some reason, so I had nowhere to go. I pulled out my phone and my hands shook as I went through my contacts. Trent's name popped up and I read his text.

Hey! :)

I responded with a small smile.

Hey. What's crackalackin!

 Nothing much how about you?

Hey you want to hang out after school today? 

Sorry I can't! Babysitting my little sister! Maybe tomorrow?

Not even Trent can be here for me. I heard the bell ring and headed to my next and final class. Block days were murder. I don't really know what Mrs. Nash was saying. My mind was elsewhere. One minute I was staring at the window and next thing I know people are packing up around me. I began putting my things away absentmindely and left. It was wet and damp outside still. Quickly, I threw my broken sandals in my trunk and pulled out a ratty old pair of gym shoes. I put them on and tried to dry off my leather seats. I slid in and drove home. When I walked in nobody was there. Upset, I closed the door and fell on the couch. It was just a bad day. My clothes were damp because it began to drizzle on the way until it started to pour when I pulled into the driveway. I shivered and got up to change clothes. I came back down in PINK sweatpants and Oliver's hoodie. With all of that on, I was still shivering. My nose tickled and I let out a sneeze that echoed throughout the entire house. I turned on the television and watched Pretty Little Liars recordings. An hour or two later, Oliver walked in. I hopped up and jumping into his arms. Oliver laughed and set me down.

" Hey babe. How was your day?" he asked as he closed the door.

" Sh**y. It really sucked. Nobody to sit with at lunch, so I ate in a janitor's closet. I was alone all day. Not even Trent wanted to talk to me! Oliver it sucked!" I cried throwing my hands in the air.

" Leigh, I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to see you today. But I think I have something that will cheer you up." Oliver offered.

Oliver pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was small and velvety. I opened it and tears brimmed. A diamond heart necklace. Gingerly, I took it out and held it up to the light. Light danced off of the stone. Oliver took it and turned my around. I felt him lift my hair and put it on. Once it was on, my hand immideatly reached for it. It was cold and smooth under my touch.

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