The phone call

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Author notes at the end of the chapter, PLEASE READ, sorry in advance this is my first fan fiction I've written

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Author notes at the end of the chapter, PLEASE READ, sorry in advance this is my first fan fiction I've written.            

Year 2020, England.
It was a not surprisingly cold afternoon in England as Louis was walking with his bodyguard  along the streets of Doncaster. He had recently gotten off  tour in America and had decided to take a break and come back home to visit his family whom he had not seen in a good few months.

Of course, he knew as soon as his album had dropped last year he would be hit with amazing support from his fans and be thrown into a busy schedule that consisted of interviews, tour dates and PR work, but he still couldn't get over the fact that he had to leave his family alone yet again for months on end while he travelled the world to perform.

He wasn't complaining though.

He knew his sacrifices not only helped himself, but his family too. He wouldn't change a thing he has done since 2010 (disregarding the one time he called a pap a fucking looser, oops).

He could only thank whatever god there was out there for giving him this life. To actually be placed into the biggest boy band in the world is insane to think about, and be able to join a stage with his amazingly talented band mates sometimes made Louis feel like he didn't belong there, but grateful none the less.

Speaking of one direction, Louis pauses as he heard his ringer go off from the back pocket of his Ellesse sweat pants.

He took his phone into his hand and frowned at the display of his screen showing Simon was calling.

Louis was confused. Simon hadn't called him since his time as an X factor judge ended, he was only hoping it wasn't another call to inform him of a stupid PR stunt that was going to take place. Honestly, Simon needed to get a grip on what century he was currently living in and realise that sexuality doesn't define a person, Louis thought.

He hesitated for a moment before answering the call, quick to hear Simons serious tone. Oh god.

"Hello Louis"

"Simon, what do I owe you the pleasure on this fine, sunny day in Doncaster" Louis sarcastically replied.

"Louis I've been in the UK for long enough now to know sun doesn't exist here, stop playing around, I have something important to discuss with you"

Louis rolled his eyes at that. Of course Simon fucking Cowell had to ruin his mood in less than a minute.

"On a scale of one to ten how serious is this, I'm kind of busy right now"

He wasn't. He just really, really didn't want to deal with Simons bull shit.

"Ten, so you better drop whatever plans you're doing and sit comfortably for this one"

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