Chatty man

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Can't believe this is at 6k reads already, wtf, thank you x

Currently the boys were backstage at the chatty man show with Alan Carr, waiting patiently to be called on set.

They always loved having interviews with Alan, it was chilled out and the man himself was hilarious, never afraid to say what was on his mind.

Of course though, they were expecting some questions related to their love lives, as usual, and Alan wasn't afraid to push these particular questions to the limit, wanting all the answers.

These questions also happened to mainly be directed towards Harry, and he wasn't so excited about this part.

Each time he was on this show he was made out to be a womaniser, and after a while it got frustrating. He knew it wasn't any sort of dig from Alan, the man was doing his job after all, but he was dreading it.

But on the other hand, it was Harry and Louis' gateway to begin their plan.

Yesterday, they had sat down with the rest of the lads and decided the only way around the contract with management was to simply ignore it, act like they did in the early days of one direction. So this interview was like some sort of test, a test to see what the reaction would be from both the fans and their management team.

They had thought it would be best to start off slow, nothing too dramatic, but something that the fans would defiantly notice and maybe stir up some more rumours.

Hopefully it wouldn't all go to shit.

"Alright, your on in five minutes, I don't want any trouble from you two" Their management lead said sternly, gesturing towards Louis and Harry.

"You know what to do" she said before walking away, the two lads knew exactly what she was referring to.

They had been told that if any sort of relationship related question were to come up they were to hint at occurrences with other women, such as Eleanor and Kendall as the two  ladies had been noted of this before hand.

Yeh, like that was going to happen, Louis thought to himself.

"Welcome back, later on we have Ariana Grande joining us for an exclusive performance but for now we have the five boys who don't know how long 18 months really is, it's One direction!" Alan called from his seat on stage, standing up to greet the boys with hugs.

Time to begin their plan. First step, seating arrangements.

They're not supposed to sit together, as instructed by management, but why should they listen to that? It should be considered platonic to sit next to your band mate during an interview, totally platonic.

"Alright alright take a seat boys" Alan gushed in his thick accent.

Louis was the last to take a seat, and he knew there was definitely room for him if the boys were to move up a little, but no one had to know that.

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