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Sorry I haven't updated for like two days, I've been really busy:/ please don't forget to comment and vote🖤_____________________________

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Sorry I haven't updated for like two days, I've been really busy:/ please don't forget to comment and vote🖤

"So, you've cured the hangover then?" Simon asked as the boys waited for their hair and makeup to be done before the show.

"Like you care, how'd you know about that anyways?" Louis spat out, rolling his eyes whilst he took a seat in front of the lavish vanity.

"No, I don't care. What I do care about is the paps seeing you in that state. Now we've got multiple media outlets talking shit about how you lot don't take the job seriously and that your not cut out for it, honestly I'm starting to believe it with the way your acting, what the fuck were you thinking?" Simon explained with a harsh glare, getting louder and angrier by the second.

"Give it a rest. All we did was celebrate our first show together after hiatus, what's the problem with that?" Louis replied, the frustration eating at him.

"The problem is you don't do it responsibly enough. I don't give a shit wether you get drunk or high, or whatever the fuck you do, but it stays the fuck out of the media you got that?" Simon shouted, making the lads shocked for a split second before they sighed and bit their tongues, there was no use arguing with the man anyway.

"Whatever. Not like we control what they wrote about us though" Harry muttered under his breath, rubbing a hand over his forehead.

"What was that Harold, I couldn't quite hear you?" Simon smugly taunted, raising his eyebrows expectantly through the mirror making harry turn around in anger at the man.

"You fucking heard me. I don't talk back much to you but I'm honestly so sick of your complaining. Your so controlling over us it's insane that we haven't even just walked away from the contract ourselves-" harry ranted, and out of the corner of Louis eye he saw Liam gesture to his phone. He instantly caught on and slyly began recording.

"You won't let us come out, you constantly change the contract without our permission, you and modest treat us like shit daily and now we can't even fucking celebrate for one night? And you wonder why we rebel so much" Harry said with a scoff, finishing the rant and noticing the lads were staring at him with a look of shock and pride. He felt good.

Simon stood there stunned for a moment, digesting all the words that had just left Harrys mouth, but of course he had to open his fucking mouth again.

"Don't act all innocent, I saw that stunt you pulled on stage" Simon said with a grimace, thinking back to the countless videos he had seen of that pathetic lap dance.

"So what! I gave my boyfriend a lap dance, big deal!" Harry exclaimed, throwing his arms around the air and Louis breath hitched at the word boyfriend.

"You know it's against the contract" Simon said with a glare, tapping his fingers against his arms which were crossed over his chest.

"Oh yeh, you know what else is in the contract? The agreement that you would respect your clients and help their every need to ensure a successful and easy as possible career for them, you've broken that and you've broken the deal on how long it would last. Read up on your facts before you accuse us of shit" Harry said calmly, finally turning around and sitting at his vanity once more.

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