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Just wanted to say a quick thank you to anyone voting

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Just wanted to say a quick thank you to anyone voting. I know I haven't got many votes but I didn't expect any at all to be honest so again, thank you :) xxx

Later that day:

"Get changed now we're going out"

Is the first thing Louis heard when answering his call from Niall. After the drama earlier on at the studio Louis instantly went back to bed when returning to his hotel room. Niall has just woken him up from his well deserved nap. Dickhead.

"What? Now? Seriously Niall" he groaned.

"We need to go find Harry before management do. People have spotted him entering a club down town and we're not supposed to be out clubbing this close to the reunion date, if he's fucked we all are for not being 'responsible'"

"Fuck sake, what's he doing out clubbing anyways" he sighed.

"Not sure but we need to find him quickly before he does something stupid. Meet me at reception in five" and with that Niall hung up the phone.

Louis threw his phone on the bed and stared up at the ceiling for a minute before dragging himself out of bed to get changed.

There's no doubt he would have to stay low key if they were sneaking out with out their body guards. And for that reason he chose to wear all black with an Adidas hat to complete the outfit and hopefully disclose his face as much as possible.

He then grabbed his phone and wallet and made his way to meet Niall.

"Right lets get going. Pull your hood up so nobody suspects it's us" Niall said once he spotted Louis.

He complied and they headed out for the club.

"Which club is he at anyway?" Louis asked.

"Warwick. Fans spotted him entering around an hour ago, I found out on Twitter. Apparently he looked out of it and met some guy outside before going in, not sure who though" he explained.

"Thought you needed to be on the guest list to get in there?" Louis replied, confused.

"He's Harry styles. Any club would let him in" is all he said before turning the corner where the club was located.

As they tried getting past security they were stopped at last minute. Did they not know who they are?

"Names" the large security guard said sternly.

"Fuck sake" Louis huffed before taking down his hood and taking off his hat, looking into the mans eyes as if challenging him.

A look of realisation crossed the mans face and he stepped out of the way, gesturing for the lads to go inside.

This caused a few people who had been waiting a long time in line to complain, pissed off that they were let in so easily within a matter of seconds.

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