Just hold on

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I'm actually loving all the suggestions I've been getting for this fic lately, some of them I was gonna write anyways but new ones are always helpful so please do feel free to suggest scenes you would like to see in future chapters xxx____________...

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I'm actually loving all the suggestions I've been getting for this fic lately, some of them I was gonna write anyways but new ones are always helpful so please do feel free to suggest scenes you would like to see in future chapters xxx

"I don't wanna go to the back yet" Louis whined against Harrys shoulder as the rest of their family members and the lads were currently getting ready to head back to the hotel.

"But it's late babe, we've got a lot of Traveling to do tomorrow, we need our rest" Harry replied in a soothing tone, running his hands through Louis' feathery hair.

"Oh come on, I haven't been in Manchester for ages, Let's go explore!" Louis said excitedly, whipping his head up to look at harry, his blue eyes wide with hope.

"I'm not sure-" harry began But was cut off by Louis pecking his lips in order to try and shut out his doubts.

"Just forget about everything for once, it'll be fun, please?" Louis said with a pout on his lips, making a face that harry just couldn't refuse to.

"Ugh Fine, Just this once, we can't be out too late though" Harry said sternly, But on the inside he was just as excited as Louis was for this.

The two lads hadn't gotten a proper time to be alone yet since the reunion, always being busy with work, Traveling and being surrounded by the lads and the fans. It would be nice to spend some time together and not have to worry about getting caught, seeming as it was already so late into the night, or early morning.

"Yes! Thank you Haz" Louis said with a wide smile, kissing harry once again on the lips.

"Come on then" Louis continued, standing up quickly and pulling harry with him.

"Wait wait wait, what about Paul? He'll never agree to this" Harry said in a hushed voice, looking over to where Paul was standing by the exit.

"Leave that to me" Louis said with a smirk, mischief glinting in his eyes making harry grin but also look confused.

Louis put a finger up to signal he'd only be a minute before walking over to the lads and whispering something in their ears, trying to be discreet but not really achieving it.

Harry saw zayn nod and smirk over at Harry, making the man more confused than ever, but he shrugged it off seeming as he was used to being oblivious half the time.

Louis smiled and quickly walked back to harry who gestured for him to explain what was going to happen.

"Right, were gonna say bye to our families now, don't worry we can still see them tomorrow before we go, and then the lads are gonna cover for us when we sneak out the back. If Paul sees us we can just tell him we're quickly going to the bathroom before we leave, got it?" Louis explained, looking giddy as ever.

"Alright, got it. But what if he-"

"Haz, seriously babe stop worrying. The worst that could happen is Paul giving us the cold shoulder for a day" Louis said calmly, trying to reassure harry.

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