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Guess who's back, back again✌🏽 I'm officially shit at updating lmao

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Guess who's back, back again✌🏽
I'm officially shit at updating lmao.

"Harry styles?" A nurse called out from the front of the waiting room and caused harry to jump up like lightning, desperate for any sort of news on Louis.

"Yes, Yeh that's me, what's happened? Is he alright? Will he be okay?" Harry rushed out, his eyes wide.

"Mr styles if you could please calm down I will explain the situation" She asked in a calm tone, her expression soft as harry slowly nodded.

"Mr Tomlinson will be fine. He had a mild concussion and a broken arm but he is out of surgery now and is recovering. He's been asking to see you" She explained with a smile which harry released a relieved sigh at.

"Oh thank god, can you please take me to him?" Harry asked politely, itching to see his boyfriend.

"Of course, right this way" She spoke in a formal tone and gestures for harry to follow her down the hall to Louis room.

Harry rushed after her and upon finding louis' room he burst in without a second to spare, his eyes instantly landing on the small figure laying in bed with wires around him and a monitor besides his bed, his arm wrapped up in a sling.

"Fuck lou" Harry whispered as he quickly made his way over to his bed, kneeling down on the floor besides the bed and taking Louis good hand into his own before pressing a kiss to his knuckles as he closed his eyes.

"Hey Hazza" Louis replied in a small voice, his eyes brightening at the sight of the man and a wide smile stretching across his face.

"Are you okay? Are you in any pain at all? I can get a nurse if you want me to, or I can go get you food? A drink?" Harry rambled, staring into Louis eyes as the words tumbled out of his mouth.

"Shh, all I need is you right now. I'm fine, they've got me on pain medication so my arm and head doesn't hurt so don't worry about me Alright" Louis reassured with a grin.

"Okay. I'm glad your fine, I swear to god when I find out who that guy was I'm gonna kill him" Harry replied with a sigh, the anger evident on his face as he spat out the words.

"No, your not. That'll just get us into trouble. We can just file a law suit against him and get a restraining order so he doesn't bother us again" Louis said sternly, squeezing Harrys hand.

"Yeh I guess your right. The police have taken him in anyways so it should be dealt with soon" harry replied, squeezing louis' hand back.

"Good, but what's happening now? With the evidence and tour?" Louis asked with a slight tremble in his voice, hoping he hadn't ruined any plans.

"The lads have stayed back to sort out the phone and said they'd  be here afterwards. I'm pretty sure they've called management and they should be sorting out the tour plans so don't worry about that. It will all be okay soon" Harry explained with a smile, running his fingers up and down Louis arm in a comforting manner.

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