Water fight

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Holy shit I'm on 31k!!! Keep up with the comments and votes, I love you guys🖤_____________________________

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Holy shit I'm on 31k!!! Keep up with the comments and votes, I love you guys🖤

"Good evening Manchester!" Harry screamed loudly into the microphone, the sound of his voice echoing around the stadium.

The fans cheered and screamed in reply, putting a large smile on all of the lads faces. Their family members were sat in a more secluded area of the stadium so they could enjoy the show without the fans recognising and mauling them.

Anne and Gemma grinned at one another upon hearing the reaction harry got from the fans, they found it amazing that the band could still fill out stadiums as large as this even after so much time being away.

"You all look fabulous tonight" Harry said to the crowd, gaining yet another scream in return, making him smirk and laugh slightly into the mic.

"Wherever you came from, wether that's here in Manchester or from miles away, we appreciate you taking the time to be with us tonight. We love you all very much" Harry said truthfully, speaking on the other lads part during the little speech.

"Now, our family members are actually here tonight" Harry said making the fans scream in excitement as they looked around in search of said family members.

"Um excuse me, attention up here please. This isn't doing well for my narcissism" He joked sarcastically when he saw the fans turning their attention away at the mention of their family members.

They all suddenly laughed and faced him once again, the lads were shaking their heads fondly and their family members were in awe at how good he was when entertaining the audience.

"Good, thank you, well we better get on with the first song. This is little black dress" Harry finalised with a grin before turning away and making his way to the lads once again, the fans left screaming behind him.

The chords of the song sounded around the stadium and the lights dimmed, creating an atmosphere of excitement and tension.

Louis and harry glanced at each other with smirks on their faces, ready to begin singing the first verse together. They brought the mics to their lips and began belting out the lyrics as they made their way around the front of the stage.

"Little black dress just walked into the room, making heads turn can't stop looking at you"

Louis turned to harry and pointed to his chest whilst singing that part, as if dedicating it to him. The lyrics were true to him, whenever he saw harry in one of his lavish suits he honestly couldn't turn his head away, even when on a large stage like this surrounded by thousands of people.

The fans took notice and went into a frenzy, the show had only just begun and the two lads were already teasing each other, they were excited now more than ever for what's to come.

Anne, Gemma, Lottie, fizzy, Daisy and Phoebe were smirking at each other after seeing the interaction, happy that they were going against all the rules put in place by Simon and doing whatever they wanted to anyway. They were no longer hiding in fear of the man, they were embracing themselves and each other, showing their fans the truth.

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