Plan B

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Shoutout to  happilylarry , you guys should go check out her new fic and show the love

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Shoutout to happilylarry , you guys should go check out her new fic and show the love.♥️

Also, I made cookies today and burnt my hand, it was worth it for the food tho lmao✌🏽

"Right. How do we go around this then?" Liam asked as he held his phone tightly into his hand, the display showing recent messages from Simon and management.

"On one hand we can ask why he wiped Louis phone, that way we won't straight up tell him we've been gathering evidence against him. On the other hand we could do that and Simon knows exactly why, making life ten times more difficult for us" Harry replied in a frustrated tone, weighing up his options.

"Well we need to find out if it was really him or not. Your friend did say it would be easier to retrace the footage and everything if we knew where to get it from. So I guess it's our only option" Louis said, referring to the tech guy harry knows.

"Yeh I guess your right. May as well get it over with then" Liam said with a shrug, hitting the call button and putting it on speaker.

The phone ringed twice before Simon finally answered the phone, and the nerves were already kicking in. Everything could go to shit because of this one phone call.

"Liam. Why are you calling?" Simon asked in a bored tone, causing the lads to roll their eyes.

"We've got a serious situation we need to discuss with you" Liam replied, scratching the back of his neck out of habit.

"Well okay then, get on with it" Simon said with a sigh, clearly not in the mood for more shit to deal with.

"Recently Louis phone was wiped. We were wondering if you had anything to do with it, or management?" Liam finally asked hesitantly, the uneasy tone clear as day in his voice.

"So you finally had the balls to ask huh?" Simon said in a mocking voice, the smile evident through the phone.

Everything that could have gone wrong had now happened in just a second.

The lads were holding onto that last little bit of hope that Simon hadn't been the one to wipe Louis phone. Hoping it was just some sort of malfunction. Hoping that when Simon heard the question, he would be clueless as to what's really been going on.

But their hope was shattered when the realisation hit them. Simon did wipe the phone, Simon knew they were plotting this behind his back the whole time, and now Simon had all their evidence in his grasp, locked away from them.

And now, Simon can do absolutely anything he wants with them.

Simon can do whatever he wants because he's got the upper hand. Simon has proof of their 'backstabbing' actions and he will hold that against them for the rest of their lives, or until they find a miracle to get them out of this mess.

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