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This fic is growing way quicker than I thought it would and I'm so great full. I honestly didn't expect to get this amount of reads and votes, never mind actually ranking in hashtags. Love you all so much and I hope your enjoying this so far. Xx



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There were so many posts. So many comments. So many opinions. Harry couldn't believe it.

Louis and Eleanor. Eleanor and Louis. Together. They were together. Not for PR, not for some sick, twisted stunt like usual. This was real.

Tears pricked Harrys eyes and his chest tightened, like a weight was being placed on top of him, crushing his bones and shattering his heart in the process.

The pain was unbearable.

'Louis and Eleanor spotted at cirque le soir club in London tonight looking cosy'

'Eleanor Calder and Louis Tomlinson spotted tonight in a heated make out session'

'The long time couple left the club hand in hand'

Harry read and read and read. He read these comments and media outlets for what seemed like hours, desperately trying to find some sort of closure that this wasn't real, that it was just some mind trick playing on his insecurities.

But it wasn't a trick, he knew they hadn't had any PR stunts planned for months, this was very much Louis' doing.

Harry let out a pained sob and threw his phone harshly at the wall, the sound of shattering glass echoing through the room.

He gripped his hair in his hands and tugged at the soft locks until it felt as if he were going to pull it out. His face was red with anger and sadness and tears were streaming down his face.

Harry felt utterly betrayed by the person he loved most in this world, he felt played and humiliated.

He vowed not to let anyone into his broken heart again.

End of flashback

Harry sat up abruptly from his bed, panting with tears brimming his eyes.

Why wouldn't these fucking memories just go away, he thought to himself.

He rubbed his hands across his face in exhaustion and pondered his decisions.

In this dark room he had no escape from his thoughts and this lead him to question wether his relationship with Louis had any hope.

He loved the man, he knew he did. He loved his feathery hair and his breathtaking blue eyes. He loved his wide smile and his obnoxious laugh. He loved his small stomach and his petite legs. He loved his chavy Doncaster accent which could be transformed into a soft, melodic tune when he sang. But it seemed like the world was against them.

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