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Sorry for being slow with the updates, I'm not gonna give excuses anymore about being busy as I'm sure you already know that's the reason why

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Sorry for being slow with the updates, I'm not gonna give excuses anymore about being busy as I'm sure you already know that's the reason why. But thank you so much for 91k reads, you guys are amazing xxx

"Holy shit, who? What do you mean?" Louis asked in a panicked voice as he tried sitting up in his bed, only to be pushed back down gently by Harry who tried to calm him down.

"I needed to be sure it was management that had wiped your phone, which it was, however I also found out someone else has gotten hold of the evidence" Jack explained calmly.

"But who could've taken it? And how?" Harry asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I'm not sure. There's no way of me finding out who it was, and even if there was a way it would take me ages to programme it all. My guess is they either hacked your phone, or they took it from management after they took it" Jack continued as the lads took the new information in.

"Fuck. Well, what do we do now then? We can't just let whoever this is walk free with all our shit, they could expose everything and ruin the plan" Louis exclaimed, arms flailing about as he spoke to emphasise his point.

"Not necessarily" Liam suddenly said, more so to himself than the other lads.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked, turning his attention to Liam who was pondering something.

"Think about it. If whoever it is knows all the shit about lou and Harrys relationship then they would use the evidence in our favour, that is if they support it anyway" Liam explained, gesturing towards the couple on the bed.

"So your saying a fan could've taken it?" Louis scoffed, thinking the idea was ridiculous.

"Well why not? They've hacked into security cameras and leaked shit of us in the past. Why wouldn't they be able to do the same with this?" Liam replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Yes but hacking into security cameras is actually quite simple for a fan who knew their way around a computer, I would know, but hacking into a phone with endless security that can only be breached by, say, your management, or hacking management themselves, that takes some fucking work. Even I can only just do that shit and I've been trained in this for years" Jack argued in disbelief. There's no way a bloody fan could've done this, not unless they're some sort of fbi cross one direction stan.

"I guess your right. But that still doesn't solve our problem. What the fuck do we do?" Niall asked, slumping back into his chair.

"I could try retrace the location? I'm not 100% sure it can give us any leads but if it does we could start from there and see if we can find anything else?" Jack asked, unsure of his own abilities.

"Mate if you can retrace evidence from management I think you can handle finding a location" Louis said sassily, but laughed at the end so he knew it was all in good measure.

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