The meal pt1

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Continued from last chapter

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Continued from last chapter.
Part 1:

Louis was right, just a second later there was a knock at his room door, indicating it was time to get going.

He grabbed his wallet and phone and made his way out to greet his body guard once again.

They were escorted to the restaurant by a chauffeur in a sleek black Bentley with tinted windows so nobody could see inside the luxurious car. To say Louis was nervous was an understatement.

In just a few minutes he would be making his way inside Gordon Ramsay's restaurant and come face to face with his ex boyfriend whom he had not seen nor spoken to in about 4 years.

What would he look like? Is his hair still long? Has he grown taller? (he hoped not, he was already a giraffe towering over his small body)     

There were so many unanswered questions running through Louis mind that he didn't even notice the car come to a stop.

"We're here, you may want to brace yourself, there's a sh*t ton of paps out there" his body guard said before climbing out the car and making his way round to open Louis' door.

As soon as the door swung open there were flashes yet again blinding his eyes as he gained a sense of de-ja-vu. It was like a repeat of the airport, only less fans and more cameras.

"Are you meeting the rest of one d tonight?"

"We saw Liam Payne and Zayn Malik walk inside just a second ago!"

"Where's styles at?"

So he's not here yet then, Louis pondered. Maybe he won't show up? He didn't know wether to be ecstatic at the thought or disappointed.

He finally made it inside and was instantly greeted by staff members who took his jacket and showed him the way to his table. 

As he neared his seat, which was situated right by the window, he saw A large circular table with Liam, Zayn, Niall, James and Simon all sat around it, only noticing Louis when he was right up in front of them.

"Finally Louis, took you long enough mate" Niall spoke up first, what a nice way to be greeted Louis thought with an eye roll.

"Can't look this good without time and preparation Nialler, you should take a tip or two from me" he said with a smirk as he sat down and made himself comfortable.

Niall scoffed, "You wish tommo".

"To be honest we're not surprised your late, we are however surprised that you got here before Harold, it's not like him to be tardy" James interrupted, Louis was thinking the same thing to be honest, and it seems as if the others were thinking it as well as they all nodded in agreement.

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