Back in the studio

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Quick note: As this is obviously fiction and I can do whatever the fuck I want with this I'm making the song "if I could fly" as if it came out in 2020

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Quick note:
As this is obviously fiction and I can do whatever the fuck I want with this I'm making the song "if I could fly" as if it came out in 2020. I remember reading that when the lads heard Harrys song they cried and ever since then I've wanted to write it out in a fic. So with that in mind, in this chapter I'm making it so the lads have only just heard the song.
Plus, I'm not exactly a professional song writer, so I'm not going to just come up with one for the plot as it will probably just end up too cringy to read😂😬 xxx

A few days later:

The lads were currently on their way to the studio as they had had a call early this morning from management letting them know that they needed to start compiling song ideas into a file for when they start recording the album.

Louis found it a little strange that they were getting ideas together this early on however he understood that making an album was a long process. Plus they do have a tight schedule with tour and everything, so he happily got out of bed (or rather got dragged out of bed by Niall, but no one had to know that) and made his way to the studio.

When they reached the studio they all sat down on sofas and chairs with notepads and sheets of music ready to begin the lyrical process. To be honest, Louis didn't have much to offer as he had only just got back from tour himself and had used most of his time creating music for his solo career, but if it came down to it louis could contribute his solo material to the band.

Sat with them was their music producer who had worked with them on their last two albums, so the lads found it easy to communicate their ideas with him and discuss melodies along with what message they  wanted to portray to the fans. He understood them in and out and was very successful with his job.

"Nice to see you again lads, been a while hasn't it?" Julian said cheerily.

"Yeh you too" Liam replied smiling.

"So let's get started then, firstly, have any of you got any completed songs because they're always easier to work with at first than snippets of song ideas" He asked them, turning his serious mode on.

The boys shook their head apart from Harry, who looked like he was contemplating saying something.

"Harry?" Julian asked, clearly he could see the cogs spinning inside Harrys head just as much as Louis could.

"Umm, I do have one song, it's uh, it's quite personal though" he said, the boys could tell he was uncomfortable sharing the song, indicating it was probably quite deep, maybe a Ballard?

"Look I know it's always a struggle performing deep songs in front of a group of people, but think about it, we all know how good of a song writer you are, I could see that when listening to you solo album, so if this song turns out to be great it could end up on the album, the fans could connect with it" Julian stated matter of factly.

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