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I'm so glad you guys are enjoying the story. I don't think I thank you enough for all the support and votes. Your comments make my day and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. Love you all xxx

"It- it's gone, its fucking gone!" Louis exclaimed, harshly tapping away on his phone in hopes that something, anything would come up.

He felt like he could cry. Everything they had worked towards so far, was gone. The videos, voice recordings, pictures. It was all gone.

Louis continued to thrash at his phone. Pressing the button continuously, tapping the screen over and over again, thinking that maybe, just maybe, it was a glitch. Maybe his phone was just spazzing out. But it wasn't. It really was gone for good.

"Louis, Louis babe, calm down" Harry soothed in his boyfriends ear, gradually getting more and more concerned for his emotional state.

"I- i can't. It's all my fault. Why the fuck didn't I transfer it? Fuck, it's all my fault" Louis chanted over and over again, his fingertips going white with how hard he was pressing onto the screen.

"Louis calm down for us, it's not your fault-" Zayn began, about to reach out for Louis to comfort him but flinched away when Louis suddenly threw his phone against the wall, the item smashing to pieces all at once, creating a loud thud to echo around the room.

"It is my fucking fault Zayn! If I hadn't been so fucking stupid and transferred the damn evidence we wouldn't be having this problem! You can sugarcoat it all you want but it's my fault and it always will be, I always manage to fuck everything up" Louis exclaimed, throwing his arms to his side for emphasis.

The lads looked over Louis with worry. His face was red in both frustration and sadness. His eyes had begun to pour out tears, dripping down his inflamed skin. His hair was a mess from tugging on it with stress and his knuckles were turning white, clenched by his sides.

"Lou, look at me, look at me" Harry said, taking Louis face into his large hands and cupping his cheeks delicately.

Their eyes finally met, blue meeting green, and harry could see all Louis emotions just from the image before him. His once vibrant, blue eyes were now dull and blurred by tears, holding so much anger, frustration and sadness within them.

"It's not your fault. It will never be your fault. Any of us could have gotten you to transfer the evidence, but we didn't, it's just as much our fault as it is yours. How your phone was wiped, I have no idea, but I know for a fact Simon had something to do with this and we will find a way around it, Alright?" Harry said, pouring out his reassurance to the man whilst rubbing circles into his skin, making Louis slowly calm down.

"But Haz-" Louis began, But was cut off from Harrys finger being placed on his soft lips, as if to shush him.

"No buts. I don't want to hear anymore of that. If we can't retrieve the evidence we already have, we can just get new evidence ok. We can start over. I don't care how long it takes, we can get through this, I love you" Harry said with a small smile which Louis soon reciprocated.

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