Dressing rooms

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Sorry this chapter is out a little later than usual, I've been doing homework all night and haven't had the chance to write this chapter until now:/ enjoy anyways xxx

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Sorry this chapter is out a little later than usual, I've been doing homework all night and haven't had the chance to write this chapter until now:/ enjoy anyways xxx

Continued from last chapter:

Louis, Niall, And Liam walked into the dressing room to find Harry sat on the sofa with Zayn comforting him, softly rubbing him on the shoulders and whispering encouragements to him.

Harry had his head in his hands leaning over his knees, however he looked up with bloodshot eyes upon hearing the dressing room door open and close again.

Louis looked sympathetically at Harry, wishing the man wasn't in the state he currently was in, all because of management, and, well, Louis.

Harry looked away and stood up, walking over to the vanity mirror and sitting down in the chair in front of it, nobody had spoken a word as of yet.

That was until the hair and makeup crew came bursting through the doors.

"Long time no see" Louise squealed as she came in, carrying a bag no doubt full of hair products.

"Hey Lou" Liam replied, walking over to embrace her in a hug.

"Oi, your allowed in here but these aren't if they haven't got their shit together as I said before" Louis said with a pointed look, making the rest of the crew pause their actions.

"They listen to me now anyways, isn't that right?" She questioned her hair and makeup team, gaining nods in reply.

"So, you see, if you lot give them any shit while in here, you will answer to me as a result, you got that?" She said, quirking an eyebrow at them all.

Again they nodded and hurried off to set up items and clothes around the room, ready for Lou to get started with.

"Cheers Lou" Louis said, pulling the woman into a hug just as Liam had a few minutes ago.

"No problem. Now, lets get started shall we? We don't have long so chop chop, while I do Harold's hair, you guys go get changed and then we will swap over yeh?" She explained.

"Well, your bossy instincts certainly haven't changed have they now?" Zayn said with a smirk.

"Oh shush, without my so called 'bossy instincts' you lot wouldn't have a clue what to do and you certainly wouldn't have that bed head sorted out" she said, posing with her hand resting on her hip in a sassy stature.

"I hate to say this but she's right" Niall butted in, gaining a smirk from Louise.

"You coming to do my hair or what?" Harry called from the vanity in an annoyed tone.

Louise pulled a face, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion at the other lads.

"Bad day, don't take it to heart" Liam said before clapping her on the back and walking over to get his outfit.

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