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Sorry for not posting a new chapter sooner, I couldn't find the time to write with school and everything

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Sorry for not posting a new chapter sooner, I couldn't find the time to write with school and everything. Hope you enjoy the chapter, love you all xxx

Louis and Harry woke up about an hour later from the lads barging through their hotel room.

They had been contently sleeping, Cuddled up within each other's arms and blissfully dreaming of the actions that had taken place just before, but woke up startled by the lads shouting and throwing pillows at their heads.

Louis groaned as a pillow hit him right in the face and sunk further down into Harrys arms, pulling the duvet over his head.

"Come on lovebirds, we need to go get ready for the show!" Niall screamed, a smirk on his face along with Zayn and Liam, they all knew instantly what they had been up too.

"Fuck off pricks" Louis said with a groggy voice, only wanting to fall back into slumber with his boyfriend.

"No can do, not unless you want to explain to the fans why you didn't turn up to your own show" Liam replied smugly before grabbing the duvet and yanking it off the bed, exposing Louis and Harrys naked bodies.

"Mate what the fuck" Harry screeched as he searched for anything to cover himself and Louis with, finally grabbing two pillows to place over their crotches.

"Nothing we haven't seen before, now get the fuck up and meet us at reception in five" Zayn said causally and left the room once again with the other two lads in tow.

Once the door had been slammed shut once again Louis sighed and fell back onto the mattress, wiping his hands tiredly down his face as harry looked on fondly.

"Your so beautiful" Harry said as he took in the sight of Louis' tousled feathery hair, bright blue eyes and toned torso.

Louis turned his face to harry and smiled shyly, bringing his hand around Harrys neck and bringing him down for a passionate kiss, lingering a little longer than usual.

"I've got nothing on you Haz" Louis whispered, their faces meer inches apart as harry broke out into a huge smile, his dimples on show.

Harry traced patterns into Louis face, as if memorising every dent, wrinkle and feature on it, the comfortable silence settling around them.

"I love you, but we do need to get going. Come on" Harry said before pecking Louis on the lips quickly and standing up from the bed, stretching out his limbs as Louis watched on hungrily, practically drooling at Harrys toned abs and black ink scattered over his tanned skin.

Louis reluctantly dragged his gaze away from harry and stood up as well, going straight to his suitcase to grab something comfy to wear to the stadium, knowing he would be getting showered and changed whilst there anyway.

He chose some Adidas sweatpants and a lose, oversized t shirt from YSL, making sure to cover his messy hair with a cap and placing a pair of Nike trainers on his feet. Harry wore an equally comfy outfit that consisted of oversized trousers, a Gucci t shirt and his own merchandise hoodie, not caring about his hair and placing Gucci loafers on his feet.

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