The rebound

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Sorry but is it just me who thinks harry doesn't want to come back to 1D? :( But on a lighter note, WHO'S EXCITED FOR MET GALA!!!!🤭👀_____________________________

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Sorry but is it just me who thinks harry doesn't want to come back to 1D? :(
But on a lighter note, WHO'S EXCITED FOR MET GALA!!!!🤭👀

Soon enough, the lads arrived in Newcastle and were heading straight to Harrys friend (Jack's) place, hoping the man could help them out.

"Do you really think he can help us?" Louis asked harry, the nervousness evident in his voice.

"Honestly, if he can't help us nobody can. His work is like the type of shit you see in movies" Harry said with a reassuring smile, rubbing Louis thigh to comfort him.

Louis smiled softly up at harry before resting his head on his shoulder as the car headed for their location, seeking all the warmth and comfort he could get which harry granted him.

"How did you meet him anyway?" Niall asked from the front of the car.

"Uh, at a club, last year" Harry said with slight nervousness.

Harry tensed up at the question and Louis didn't miss his sudden change in body language, how he seemed to be stuck in his thoughts as he looked out the window, the rubbing of his hand coming to a stop.

"Haz? You alright?" Louis questioned, his eyebrows furrowing as he raked his mind for some sort of explanation.

"Yeh, I'm good, why wouldn't I be?" He replied with a smile, but Louis saw how it couldn't quite reach his eyes and the wariness in his tone.

"You kinda froze up at the question love, do you not get on with him or something?" Louis quizzed, his eyes searching for the answer.

"No, no we're fine, don't worry about it" harry replied, almost hastily as he changed his demeanour back to normal, almost like placing a mask over his face to appear unaffected.

But Louis wasn't buying it, neither were the lads. But nobody pushed it, seeming to understand that harry clearly didn't want to talk about it for whatever reason.

The car soon came to a stop and harry muttered out a small "We're here" before climbing out, the lads following his actions and now facing a large apartment complex, the walls a white brick and the front door huge and detailed, looking expensive and lavish.

"Damn, I'm assuming he's rich?" Zayn said, looking up to the building in awe.

Sure, it's nothing compared to their million pound houses with too many bedrooms and luxurious swimming pools, but it's just not what they were expecting. They hadn't ever heard about this guy and assumed he was just a typical bloke, probably living in either a small house or shitty apartment, but it was quite the opposite. However, a tech guy who can hack just about anything? Yeh they should have known he'd be reeling in cash.

"You could say that" Harry said with a smirk, walking up to the door and pressing the buzzer of Jacks apartment, the reply coming almost instantly.

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