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Another late update, what's new🤷🏽‍♀️Also

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Another late update, what's new🤷🏽‍♀️
Also... bitch I'm so ready for Louis' single🤭🎉

Continued from last chapter:

The lads were currently back inside the changing room, getting ready for their next photo.

Louis was dreading putting this outfit on after so many years. He thought it was horrendous. The turquoise pants were a drastic change from his now toned down outfits and they seriously didn't contrast well with his dark, navy blue sweater.

At least he wasn't the only one wearing such bold choices of colour though. He turned to his right and saw Zayn wearing bright red jeans and a brown sweater. Louis was thankful that he didn't have to go back to his statement red jeans, instead that task was passed over to his friend here.

The other lads weren't having such luck with their clothes either. Liam, once again, had the most decent outfit out of all of them, simple dark jeans and a black hoodie, Louis envied him.

Niall was sporting navy blue trousers with an orange and grey sweater, again, not a great choice.

Then there was Harry. He was wearing brown baggy trousers, similar to the colour in which Zayn's sweater was, with a black sweater on his top half. Honestly what was with the fucking sweaters back then?

It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair.

Even wearing a god awful outfit like that, he could still pull it off, even more so now that he is fully grown and can fill out the baggy clothing.

But what did he expect. It was bloody Harry styles, the man could wear anything.

"I can't believe they're making us wear this shit" Zayn groaned while looking at himself in the mirror.

"Tell me about it" Louis scoffed while pulling on a pair of toms.

"Not fair, why does Liam get a decent outfit?" Niall huffed out in a whiny tone.

"Because clearly I was the only one with fashion sense back then" he said with a grin.

"Yeh but now Harrys taken that title, sorry mate" Zayn said with a wink.

Harry shook his head slightly and continued to fold his previous outfit up ready for Louise to sort out.

Once they were all ready they headed back out and over to Ben, who was currently having his team sort out the back drop just as he wanted it. It was simple really, just a white background.

"Alright go stand in front of the camera, we're going to show you the photo again so you can arrange yourselves into the right order" Ben instructed and the lads nodded in understanding and did as they were told.

The pose was actually a lot more difficult than expected.

In the original photo, the order went Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn and lastly Harry, which was fine because back then there wasn't much height difference. They were all roughly the same height when this picture was taken, where as now, we've got one giant, one midget and the rest in between.

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