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Panic and confusion flooded the room as the darkness engulfed them. People screamed as chaos erupted and more body guards than ever took their places inside.

Suddenly, a glitch formed on the large screen in front of them, white light flickering in front of their eyes before it halted on a video compilation.

With the newly formed light emitting from the screen, everybody froze and the room became silent once again. Louis took this moment to run for Harry, needing the safety of his boyfriends arms before the lights would cut out again.

Louis made it as quick as possible and flung himself at Harry, who caught him in his grasp and held on tight as if Louis could evaporate into thin air at any moment. Louis was trembling, hands shaking and clammy from the initial panic that had rushed through his veins not a moment before.

"H-harry, What the hell is going on?" Louis whispered, his voice wavering and stuttering as he tried to get the words out.

"Fuck I don't know lou, I really don't know" Harry replied, and although he was trying to be brave for Louis, Louis could hear the edge to his tone and feel the rapid pace of his heartbeat against his own chest.

"They know Haz, they know about us, they know about Zayn and Liam. Fuck, I practically told them all" Louis rushed out, stumbling over his words as they left his chapped lips quickly.

"Shh, babe, I know, it sucks having it come out this way but at least it's done with yeah? It was bound to happen at some point" Harry replied with a reassuring tone. "Besides, they seem to support us" He continued, stroking the back of Louis head as the smaller man burrowed his face into the crook of his neck, desperately trying to calm his breathing.

"But h-how? I don't understand? Who put the camera on me?" Louis asked in realisation, someone would have had to move the camera and follow him and Simon on purpose.

"I only know as much as you do. But, I guess we're about to find out" Harry said as he turned Louis around to face the big screens, now seeing the video begin to play.

Louis looked up in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes squinted up at the screens. He recognised the footage instantly, it was the evidence. The stolen evidence.

The imagery wasn't much, all that could be seen was the inside of Louis pocket as he shifted around a little on the chair inside the office at modest's headquarters. It was the audio that counted, every single word spoken was clear as day to each person inside this very room, and all attention was focused on the screen. Nobody moved an inch as they listened, it was as if the whole room was frozen in time, the only thing that mattered was the screen as it seemed to hypnotise each and every person.

It was when Simon spoke that the first reaction left each person, as they gasped in shock at the cruel words.

"Right so I'm assuming you already know timings and where to be so we won't go over that. But let me tell you now, if there's any funny business on stage between you two then I'm upping the contract time"

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