Spill your guts

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Wow, 500+ reads, that's sick hahahha🎉Love you guys♥️♥️

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Wow, 500+ reads, that's sick hahahha🎉
Love you guys♥️♥️

Continued from last chapter:

Louis and Harry walked back through the studio with shy smiles on their faces, both in much better moods after what had just occurred, well, minus the whole Kendall part.

They didn't speak, knowing they only had about a minute before they were meant to Be joining the lads and James back on set, so they rushed past staff and studio workers in order to make it back on time.

They got there with barely any time to spare, having flushed faces and heavy breathing, to the lads it would have looked a lot like something else.

"Louis where the fuck have you- oh, and uh, Harry?" Liam stumbled over his words, confused as to why two people who supposedly hate each other with a passion, would be returning from god knows where with smiles painted across their faces.

"What? Don't recognise me Lima, I'm offended" Harry said in a teasing tone, confusing the man even more.

"Okay what the fuck did I miss?" He asked with a pointed look.

"All in good time Liam, we've got a game to play" Louis replied with a smirk, clapping Liam on the back and walking towards James, Harry following closely behind.

Liam huffed out a sigh but shrugged it off, making a mental note to ask them about it later.

When all the lads and James were ready, sat at the spill your guts table, the camera man signalled for them to begin.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to spill your guts or fill your guts with one direction!" He announced loudly to the camera and audience, who screamed with excitement in retaliation.

"Alright Niall I know you've played the game before, sorry about that, but I'm going to explain this for anyone who has never seen or played this before just to be clear on how it works" James explained, gaining nods from everyone.

"As there are so many of us playing tonight, we're separating into teams of three, myself, Louis and Zayn on one team and Harry, Liam and Niall on the other. You will take it in turns asking someone from the opposing team a question, if said person refuses to answer they have to eat the item of food you have given them, if they answer they are clear, you understand?" James asked.

They all nodded and said yes before James continued. He proceeded to list off all the items on the table, each being more disgusting than the other and gaining disgusted reactions from the audience each time.

"Alright let's take a look at what we have on the table. A salmon smoothie, beef tongue, bird saliva, herring rollmop, a scorpion, a fish head, hot sauce and finally, bull penis"

They all groaned at the horrific foods in front of them, if they could even be classed as food, and gagged at just the thought of eating any of it.

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