Disaster interview

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I'm losing readers each chapter but whatever cause we just hit 10k reads, but like seriously, is it getting too boring or repetitive or something? Let me know🖤

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I'm losing readers each chapter but whatever cause we just hit 10k reads, but like seriously, is it getting too boring or repetitive or something? Let me know🖤


"Lovely to have you back boys, this time thankfully as a five and not a four, hello Zayn" Jonathan greeted the lads as they took a seat on the large sofa, Harry and Louis putting on faux smiles for the cameras and the audience.

"Yeh, feels good to be back" Zayn replied with a smile.

"Why did you return to the band then? Because a lot of the fans doubted you would want to" Jonathan asked curiously.

"Well, firstly I missed the lads, secondly I think I just prefer the band career to the solo one, it's nice to have some company around you while on tour and recording so yeh, thought it was the right decision when I heard about the reunion" Zayn explained with a shrug, the lads smiling at their mention.

"But there was a lot of controversy surrounding this topic with you and the media about a year ago, am I right to say it was mainly feuded between you and Louis?" He pushed, the lads were waiting for this question to come up, glad they had already talked about it themselves.

"Well, I mean, partly I guess. Although not everything that was told in the media was true. Me and Louis are getting on fine as you can tell, and anything that did happen in the past has now been resolved. For the controversy? Most of the shit I said- wait, can I swear on here?" Zayn stopped, looking slightly worried that he slipped up.

"Yeh that's fine, carry on" Jonathan chuckled, gesturing for him to continue.

"Okay good, as I was saying, most of the shit I said back then was for publicity as it was during the time I was bringing out my solo material, management thought I would get more attention from it I think, no hard feelings though" He continued with a breathy laugh.

"Well that's great then. I've heard your world tour has completely sold out already, did you expect that kind of reaction after so long of being away?" Jonathan quizzed, not asking anyone in particular, it was open for anybody to answer.

"Honestly we didn't know what to expect" Harry began. "Obviously after being away for the amount of time we were it was hard to tell wether our fan base would be as large as it was before the hiatus, but we were hopeful that they still supported us even after we made them wait so long" He finished, looking towards the lads who were nodding in agreement.

"I think having our solo careers also helped the fandom grow in a way, because each of us individually gained fans that didn't even listen to one direction, a lot of people may have only just discovered our own music and our styles and now might even check us out as a band" Louis added on, Jonathan humming along.

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