Our story/Part three

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Soo, long time no see? Again, sorry for this taking so long to get out, I had major issues with my phone breaking, and then I forgot my wattpad password and had a whole ordeal with trying to get logged back on, so there's that haha

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Soo, long time no see?
Again, sorry for this taking so long to get out, I had major issues with my phone breaking, and then I forgot my wattpad password and had a whole ordeal with trying to get logged back on, so there's that haha. Plus, again I have school work and shit to do, sigh, so it's taken a while to get this written but this is it guys, this is the ACTUAL FINAL CHAPTER!!!! I hope you enjoy, it's gonna be a long one, and thank you so much for reading. Please read author notes at the end, so I can explain what I'm going to do in the future considering this fic and new ones, love you all, enjoy :) xxx

P.s sorry for any mistakes, there was too much to go over and re read hahaha :)


Flashback- September 13th, 2010

The past month had been crazy for the boys, Louis and harry in particular.

Getting through judges houses was one of the best feelings in the world and they were happily making their way through the next stages.

And they're now finally back in England, as much as they enjoyed the hot summer days abroad, they would be lying if they said they didn't miss their own country.

The lads sat in the studio with their vocal coaches and producer, preparing for their next performance, and everything was fine, apart from the fact that harry seemed to be stuck in his own head.

"Harry love, what is going on with you today? We've only got one more day before performances and you're barely with us. We need to get this finished" their vocal coach, Bella, asked in a soft tone, looking concerned.

"What? Oh, nothing, I'm sorry don't worry about it. Guess I'm just tired" Harry replied lazily, snapping himself out of his thoughts when his name was mentioned.

"Cut the bullshit haz, I know you better than anyone else in this room. Bella is right, somethings up, and you need to tell your best mate why right now" Louis said in a teasing tone, trying to cheer him up, but those two words only made him feel worse.

"Best mate"

You see, the past month had been great, that wasn't a lie. However with how great things had been going between Louis and harry, it only made things more confusing.

As time was going by, even as short as the time had been, harry could feel himself developing feelings that grew stronger by the day for his so called 'best friend', and there was nothing he could do about it.

He spend most nights laying awake, conflicted by the idea of himself possibly being gay. It even went as far as to taking a quiz online to see what the results came up as. Just to desperately try and find an answer so he didn't have to figure it out himself. But all he ended up getting was a percentage of 63, so according to a generated online quiz, he was "bi curious". Bi-Louis more like.

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