Catching up

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Continued from last chapter...

By the time louis had finally snapped out of his daze, the front door swung open and in came his sister fizzy.

"Louis mate, what are you doing? Inspecting the walls?" Fizz said sarcastically. Only worsening his mood.

"Not in the mood right now fizz" Louis replies monotonously.

"Jeez who's put a stick up your ass, oh wait, you'd probably like that wouldn't you" she says with a smirk, winking at him so he knows she's only joking.

He can't help but crack a smile at that, even if it's small. He really can rely on his siblings to cheer him up, no matter how down he is feeling.

"I think I would pass on that one, wouldn't want splinters" he plays along with her little joke and she chuckles before taking out a pack of cigarettes.

"You look like you need a smoke, come on" with that she walked back out the door she just came from leaving Louis once again alone in the living room.

He quickly follows Fizz outside and closes the door behind him, she lights one up for herself then hands the lighter and pack to Louis, leaning against the brick wall lining their street.

He checks for no paparazzi before lighting up his own and inhaling the poisonous chemicals into his lungs without a second thought. The nicotine quickly spreads throughout his body, giving him a buzz he didn't realise he needed.

He knew he shouldn't be smoking with a long line of cancer related deaths in his family, but when you're constantly followed by people and never have a second to be completely care free, it comes in handy to relieve the stress building up inside him.

After a moment fizzy speaks up again.

"So, what was that about in there?" She asks cautiously.

"Nothing, I'm probably just making a big deal out of nothing to be honest" he lies, Louis knows it's a big deal, he has things with management to sort out in such short time and then there's Harry to worry about. His stress levels are over the roof by this point and he didn't need to deal with this while on his "break". When will work ever end?

"Louis, I know you better than anyone and I can see when your stressed out about something. Maybe if you tell me I can help you out, or at least help you calm down about it" she says softly, it reminds him too much of his mother when she gets like this, she has the exact same caring nature as her and it brings back both good and bad memories.

With a heavy sigh he decides to tell her, what's the worst she could say?

"I had a call from Simon today" is all he could come out with.

"Okay...and?" She pushes him to continue. "Is it another PR stunt again, is that what's worrying you.

"No, nothing like that, it's much bigger than that actually"

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