Pool troubles

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Quick note: Soo, apparently this book is now #41 on #darkharry, I'm not sure if this is a glitch or not as I don't actually have that many reads at the moment but if not then omg because I've only just started writing this😐♥️

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Quick note:
Soo, apparently this book is now #41 on #darkharry, I'm not sure if this is a glitch or not as I don't actually have that many reads at the moment but if not then omg because I've only just started writing this😐♥️

On with the story:)

Back at the hotel:

Louis walked back inside the hotel lobby followed by Zayn, Liam and Niall, laughing about something Louis didn't really care for.

If he's being honest he's not really in the mood for laughing right now, let's just say a certain curly headed lad has significantly ruined his night.

He hadn't known what to expect but it certainly wasn't that. Harry really has changed, and not for the better.

Just as Louis was about to head for his room he was stopped by Niall tugging on his arm, spinning him around to face him.

"Tommooo, where are you going? The nights still young!" Niall exclaimed, taking Louis aback for a minute before he quickly recovered.

"I think I'm just gonna call it a night, have a good time though, you enjoy yourself mate" he said before once again trying to leave for his room.

"Oh no you don't" Niall said, pulling him back, Louis sighed and looked at him expectantly.

"I know you better than you think tommo, and if you really believe I'm going to let you mope about just because of some guy being a dick you've got another thing coming" he said sternly. God he loved Niall.


"No buts! How would you feel about sneaking out to the pool like good old times ey? Could even get the fire-pit going" he suggested with a wink.

How could he say no to that.

"Ugh fine, at least let me go change into some swim shorts first" he accepted with a groan.

Honestly this man could get him to do anything, even after all this time of not seeing each other, guess times don't change, at least for some people.

"Yeah sure, I'll get the lads and then meet you at the pool entrance in five?" He said with a grin.

Louis just hoped that by "the lads" he meant the four of them, not including Harry. He doesn't think he could face him after what went down in the restaurant.

"Alright" and with that Louis waved him off and turned into the elevator.

When Louis arrived back in his room he went straight over to his wardrobe and found his black swim shorts. He stripped and then threw them on before leaving his phone on charge and heading back into the hallway carrying a towel.

When he reached the entrance of the outdoor pool he saw that the lads were already there waiting for him, and thankfully Harry was no where to be seen.

"Alright, lets do this shit" Louis said, walking towards them.

Niall smirked before taking the key to the door that he had snagged from reception. He was about to unlock it when he realised it was already open.

"That's weird, they always lock this door" Niall said, confusion written all over his face.

They all just shrugged and swung open the door, however they stopped before walking further in.

Louis was confused as he couldn't see over their shoulders to know why they weren't just walking in. Was it security? The manager? Pool cleaner? Louis has no fucking clue.

"Fucking move then jeez" he said before pushing past them and out into the evening heat of LA. What he saw had him shocked.

Sat there against the edge of the pool, was Harry. Accompanied by two beautiful girls wearing bikinis, one on either side of him.

Harry was alternating between the two, making out with them one at a time, seemingly oblivious to the lads watching the scene take place. That was until Liam awkwardly coughed, taking his attention away from the girls and to them instead.

Louis just stood there unmoving as Harry took a second to look him up and down, very aware of his little clothing. This caused Louis to place his towel in front of his body, feeling yet again insecure of his feminine figure especially in front of Harry.

"Didn't realise you'd be showing up lads, I'm kinda busy here don't you think" he said cockily, a smirk growing on his face.

"Too bad, you can take this to your room, not in a public pool" Liam stated matter of factly.

"Not exactly public at night, hence the locked door" he said with a shrug.

"Maybe you should have remembered to lock it again once you came in, especially when you damn well know we always come here during the night at this hotel" Liam retorted, starting to get pissed off.

"You have a key don't you?" Harry asked, gesturing to the object in Niall's hand.

"Yeh, why?" Niall questioned.

"So you would have came In either way, no point in locking it. Now can you kindly fuck off so I can get back to my girls here" Harry said with no emotion what so ever.

"I thought you were gay anyway?" Zayn asked him, ignoring the rude comment.

"I swing both ways, Lou should know that better than anyone" he replied.

Harrys eyes were cold but he had a smirk on his face, making it hard to tell wether that was supposed to be playful or another dig.

"Fucking give it a rest would you, by this point your just being childish Harry, drop the act for gods sake" Louis said, finally snapping.

Harry raised an eyebrow and turned around in the pool to grab a cigarette, lighting it up and turning back to the boys while taking a drag.

"Since when do you smoke anyway?" Louis asked.

"Why do you care? You smoke so your not one to judge" he said, letting out the smoke from his lungs and into the air.

"But you were so against it" Louis said.

"Things change" is all he replied.

"Whatever, were staying here wether you like it or not, if your so bothered by our presence take this to your room" Niall said, making it clear Harry would not ruin their night.

Harry didn't reply, instead he threw his cigarette into the pool and pulled himself up out of the water using the edge. Once out he helped the girls up and put his arms around their shoulders, walking them towards the exit.

If Louis said he didn't take a quick look at his abs and v line then he was definitely a liar.

"Eyes up here Lou" he whispered in his ear before walking past him and back into the hotel.

Louis' breath hitched and it took all of him not to shout at Harry to not take them girls to his room. But it wasn't his place to, he did fuck over their relationship after all.

Louis was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a loud splash and saw a soaking wet Niall break the surface of the water.

"You lot coming in then or what?" He shouted, and burst into a fit of giggles.

They all chuckled before joining Niall in the heated pool, and Louis tried to forget the green eyed man for the rest of the night.

Author notes:

I'm sorry this is a shorter chapter than normal but I hope you enjoyed it never the less.

Please don't forget to comment and I will try have the next chapter out asap.

Love you all xxx

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