Blue and green

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I'm low key shook at what's going on with this euphoria shit

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I'm low key shook at what's going on with this euphoria shit. I don't even watch the show nor had I ever even heard about it before this Larry scene came up; but it's seriously not cool that they created that scene never mind not asking for approval from either of them.
Also, please read author notes at the end.

The night of the concert was overwhelming to say the least.

With such little time on their hands, everyone had to be working at their best in order to save the fans any more trouble and the lads knew they needed to put on a damn good show to make up for it.

As the lads were getting ready backstage they could hear the commotion through the arena.

Workers were bustling around frantically as they tried to set up the stage in record time. Sound and lighting technicians needed to set up all the wiring and the guards were doing their best to contain the fans that were already lining up outside, despite the tweet that had been sent out earlier.

And all the while Louise and her team were rushing about the room trying to get hair and makeup done without making the lads look like hot messes.

"You sent the bloody tweet right?" Zayn spat out harsher than he had intended due to the nerves running through his system.

"Yes Zayn, I do remember fucking doing it right in front of you" Harry snapped back, his usual calm demeanour slowly slipping as the minutes ticked by.

Louis has to bite his lip in order to contain his smile at this, always finding it amusing when harry lost his wits. It seemed even the man who created 'treat people with kindness' had his moments.

"Alright, jeez, I was just asking" Zayn said with a sigh, rubbing his forehead.

"Zayn cut it out, you're smudging your makeup!" Louise suddenly scolded, slapping the mans arm away from his face.

"Has anyone seen the hairspray? I swear I had it right here a second ago!" One of Louises team members called out, turning in circles repeatedly as she searched for the bottle that was actually right behind her.

"It's right behind you Liz" Liam said in a bored tone, not tearing his eyes away from his phone as he read the tweets coming in from thousands of fans wondering what the fuck was going on.

"Shit you're right, cheers" Liz said as she grabbed the bottle before spritzing the mist across Liam's hair as she protected his eyes.

"What're they saying now Li?" Niall asked from the seat next to him, trying to peer over at his phone but being held back by his stylist.

"Some are pissed off, which is understandable. Some are just confused and others are excited" Liam answered as he continued to scroll through, replying to some that caught his eye.

"Were starting to let the fans inside now, are you guys almost ready? We have about half an hour before you need to be onstage" Someone from Niall's team called through the door, only causing Louise to panic further.

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