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14k whoop whoop! Keep up with the comments and votes, love you guys🖤——————————————————————

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14k whoop whoop! Keep up with the comments and votes, love you guys🖤

"No look, you go this way and Liam you go the other. No, that way, do you not know directions?" Their choreographer huffed out in a defeated tone, clearly exhausted.

The lads were currently rehearsing for their first concert as a band after the hiatus, and to say it was a disaster would be an understatement.

After being solo for so long they had completely lost touch with stage direction and how to perform as a group, all of them wanting to do their own thing that they had grown accustomed to while performing alone.

"No harry, you do not dance madly around the stage, how many damn times do I need to tell you!" Paul (Roberts) their choreographer exclaimed with a huff, his arms flailing around besides him.

"But I want to, the fans love it" Harry argued with a pout.

"Yes Harry, your fans love it, however we are choreographing a one direction concert, not a Harry styles concert, so would you please just listen to me for one minute?" Paul pleaded, running his hands across his tired looking face.

"Ugh Fine" Harry reluctantly replied, stopping his movements and looking around at the other lads.

Niall was currently strumming his guitar as if he were a rock n roll artist, Liam was dancing provocatively mumbling the words to strip that down, zayn was pretending to be in a music video and Louis looked like a hyperactive four year old that had eaten too many sweets. God help them.

"Right just gather round me for a moment please" Paul said once he had gotten himself together.

The lads stood around him and waited patiently for their instructions.

"Right, have you chosen the song you want to perform from your solo careers for this concert, as I'm assuming you will be doing a different one each show?" He asked them.

"Yeh" they all replied, nodding their heads.

"Right good, I'm going to take you one by one to figure out the choreography and any stage lighting you want to request and then we can move onto the group rehearsals later. Who's up first?" He explained then looked at each one of them waiting for someone to volunteer.

"I can do mine now?" Niall offered, Paul nodding and gesturing for the lad to follow him to the far side of the stage where they can talk more privately.

Then there were four. Who were now stood about not exactly knowing what to do.

"Uh, anyone wanna do shots to pass the time?" Louis asked, breaking the silence.

"Louis, were at work and it's 9am, you are not doing shots" Harry replied sternly, looking at him as if it were the most ridiculous idea ever. Which it was, just not to Louis.

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