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Please read the author notes at the end, it's important xxx_____________________________

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Please read the author notes at the end, it's important xxx

"Shit" Louis muttered, his eyes wide at Paul's figure getting closer and closer to them.

Louis and harry got to their feet quickly but carefully, not really feeling up to falling off a high building tonight.

"What the fuck do you think your doing? Do you even know how worried I was? This is my fucking job! Did you every stop to think about how it would effect me if something happened to you guys? Not only would I be feeling guilty and devastated, I'd lose my job!" Paul ranted once he reached them.

Louis and harry felt immense guilt flood through them when they realised what state they had put Paul in. The older man was dripping in sweat from the amount of chasing he had to do. His hair was a mess sticking in all different directions, probably due to pulling on it in stress. His eyes were wide with fear and his breathing was ragged, hunching over to try and catch his breath.

"Fuck, we're so sorry Paul. Seriously, we didn't realise what we were actually doing" Louis said, ashamed of his actions even though it was the most fun he'd had in ages.

"It's alright I guess. I've dealt with this before, I just thought you guys had matured by now" he said with a sigh but chuckling slightly, now standing straight and running his hands through his thinning hair.

"Yeh I guess we are like little kids huh?" Harry said with a small smirk playing on his lips. "We really are sorry, I guess we just wanted some time alone, you know, away from all the drama" Harry continued, placing his hand on Louis back and smiling down at him.

"I understand, I can see it's all a bit hectic for you lot right now, but just don't do it again. I'm too fucking old to be running round cities anymore" Paul said with a laugh, harry and louis joining in with him.

"Don't put yourself down Paul, your a buff bodyguard, work it man" Louis said sarcastically, over enthusiastic in his tone as he tried to reassure him.

"Yeh yeh, whatever, you may charm harry here but it won't work on me. Now come on I need to take you back to the hotel" Paul said with a roll of his eyes, grabbing the boys by their shoulders firmly but not in a bad way and moving them in the direction of the staircase that led them here in the first place.

Louis and Harry sighed But followed reluctantly, not wanting their night to end but realising they can't be chased around forever. They knew one day everything would settle for them, they would be at peace with each other. They just had to be patient, for now though, they were living the lives of worldwide celebrities.

Harry got lost in his thoughts whilst walking back, thinking about his future with Louis. It's what keeps him sane most of the time, knowing that after this crazy life they're living has settled down a little, he will be able to grow old with his boyfriend. They can get married, get a few pets, buy a home for themselves. Maybe even adopt a child of their own one day. He couldn't wait.

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