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Sorry but, this month is Larry month, it's official

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Sorry but, this month is Larry month, it's official.

"Everything's gonna be so much better now, I can already see it" Harry said quietly, his voice sounding amongst the chirping of the birds as the sun rose.

"Yeah?" Louis replied in a questioning tone, wondering what the beautiful man was thinking about as he snuggled closer to him in their warm, cosy bed.

"Yeah. Think about it, one day, when we get married, we won't have to hide it. We can invite whoever we want, we can post pictures, we can tell our fans how amazing it was, we can do it all without having to worry about Simon, or management, or the press. It will be easy, it will be amazing" Harry explained slowly as he traced shapes on Louis' soft, tanned skin.

"Now, I'm sure that wasn't a proposal, because quite honestly harry, that would have been one shit but cute proposal, however, I'm down" Louis replied cheekily, laughing to himself as harry swatted at his chest, shaking his head but smiling fondly.

"Way to ruin the moment Lou, but seriously, I can't get over it. We don't have to hide anymore, we don't have to fucking hide and I love it so much. I love you so much" Harry said seriously, smiling down at Louis for the first time since they had woken up.

"I love you too Haz, so much" Louis replied in a whisper before their lips met in a sweet but passionate kiss. Neither of them caring for morning breath, they were way past that issue by now.

"I remember when you once serenaded that song to me before we began dating" Louis said after their lips parted, smiling at the memory.

"Which one?" Harry asked with a furrowed brow, he had serenaded multiple songs to Louis over the past 10 years.

"I don't wanna be your friend I wanna kiss you on the lips" Louis sung gently, laughing as the words escaped his lips.

"What about it?" Harry said as he laughed along with Louis, remembering the moment clearly as he had sung it when he didn't know how to describe his feelings towards the boy.

"I was so shocked, but it described us perfectly. We were young and naive, didn't know how we were feeling, but that line just made sense to me" Louis explained as he rolled over so he was chest to chest with his boyfriend, head resting just below Harry's neck, peering up at him.

"Jesus lou, I thought I was the sappy one" Harry replied with a smirk, causing Louis to hide his face into his chest with a groan, harry bursting our into a soft chuckle.

"Hey, I'm joking. I understand. I remember being fucking terrified to sing that to you" Harry continued, lifting Louis' chin with his pointer finger, staring into them gorgeous blue eyes.

"Terrified of me? Why?" Louis asked with a quirk of his head.

"You intimidated me, you were older and seemed very much straight. I was scared you didn't feel the same way" Harry sheepishly replied, the statement sounding ridiculous considering where they are now.

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