Our story/Part two

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Part two of the final chapter guys!!!I know this has taken extremely long to post, but I've been away on holiday in greece and didn't have time to write

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Part two of the final chapter guys!!!
I know this has taken extremely long to post, but I've been away on holiday in greece and didn't have time to write. I hope you enjoy anyway:) (also, this isn't edited because it would take forever for me to go read through it all again hahah)


Flashback, Mid August, X Factor:

"Harry!" Niall shouted from his, Zayn and Liam's room after unpacking their suitcases.

"What?" Harry replied, poking his head out the door to see what the boy wanted.

"Could we go in the pool? We thought it could be fun" Niall asked hopefully, a huge grin on his face.

"Sure, I'll just tell Louis and we will meet you out there" Harry agreed with a nod before turning back into his and Louis' room.

"We're going in the pool, did you bring any swim wear?" He asked Lou as he was finishing up with his unpacking.

"Uh, no actually, I didn't. Shit" Louis said with wide eyes. "I could just go in with my boxers on?" He asked, unsure.

"I've got a pair you can wear and I'll wear my boxers instead. I'll probably just end up taking them off for a skinny dip anyways" Harry offered nonchalantly, smirking at Louis shocked face.

"Mate, you're that comfortable already are you?" Louis teased, shaking his head at the younger lad.

"Well, there's something you should know about me if we're going to be in a band together" Harry said with a cheeky smile, shrugging.

"And what is that dear Harold? Do tell"

"I get naked, a lot, so you lot better suck it up as you'll be seeing plenty of me" Harry stated, grinning once again.

"Well then, guess I could get used to that" Louis said sarcastically, winking at harry who laughed in return and shoved his shoulder playfully.

Harry walked over to the wardrobe where he had unpacked all his clothes and pulled out a pair of black swimming shorts, handing them over to Louis who thanked him in return as harry turned away for him to get changed.

Once ready, Louis in Harrys shorts and Harry in his white and black striped boxers, they walked outside to meet the lads by the pool.

It was only when harry stepped out the door that he realised he didn't have shoes on, and it would be a pain in the ass trying to walk on the gravel pathway.

"Shit this hurts!" Harry exclaimed, tip toeing his way around the side of the bungalow as Louis walked casually ahead of him, actually wearing a pair of shoes.

"Oh don't be a baby, you should've worn shoes. Don't you know your own house?" Louis joked, laughing as harry stumbled away behind him.

"I'm not a baby, and I forgot my shoes not the bloody path!" Harry argued, wincing as he stepped on a particularly sharp stone.

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