If i could fly

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Nearly at 100k, holy shit

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Nearly at 100k, holy shit. I love you guys sm. Read author notes at the end please:) Also, quick reminder, in this fic, if I could fly isn't part of the album and is a song harry has written personally, so nobody has heard it yet other than the lads. Enjoy;) xxx

Louis wasn't enjoying the concert tonight, neither was harry.

Any glances between the two held sadness and pain, with a hint of anger burrowed within.

The atmosphere was tense the entire time they were performing, the words that left their mouthes were strained and the lads watched on with pity.

What was meant to be a good day, a release from all the stress and tension over the past few days, turned out to be one of the worst since the beginning of the reunion.

They couldn't understand it.

How could someone hold so much anger and disgust towards someone based on their sexuality? Of all things? They just couldn't get their head around it.

And to go to lengths as far as faking relationships, destroying a persons mental health and tearing apart a love so powerful and rare, just to "secure their careers" was incredulous to them.

Harry had just about had enough, the same went for Louis, but the difference was harry had a hold of something that can show their current emotions and their situation without Simon being able to stop them. Something the man had no idea about. A song.

As simple as that. A song.

It couldn't change their situation as of now, it couldn't change the way Simon and their management felt about them, but it was a form of communication without any boundaries.

So that's why harry build enough courage to take his seat at the piano, in front of thousands of fans, ready to pour his heart out into this one song.

Hopefully they'ed get the hint, and hopefully it can mend some wounds that him and Louis are suffering from at the moment, though they may not be visible. Hopefully.
9 hours earlier, 8am

Louis and harry woke to the sound of Louis phone ringing relentlessly on their bedside table.

With a groan Louis slowly sat up, looking down at the pout that had formed on his boyfriends face and gently brushed the hair out of his eyes before answering the phone without taking a look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" Louis said in a hushed voice, although it didn't matter all that much as Harry's eyes began to flutter open.

"It's Simon, we need to talk, you know where to go so be there as soon as possible, it's important" Simon said in his usual strict tone, laced with boredom.

"What? Why? We've got a concert tonight, I've got shit to do" Louis argued, his eyebrows furrowing, what the fuck was so important that it meant him going to a meeting first thing in the morning?

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