Shit show

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Sorry again for being slow with the updates

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Sorry again for being slow with the updates. My last chapter didn't get as many reads as usual and I'm pretty sure it's because most of you didn't get the notification, and I have no idea why but hopefully it resolves itself soon. Enjoy x

"Haz I'm so fucking sorry, I didn't mean it I swear, I just got caught up in the moment"

Louis had been spitting out apologies ever since they left the stage. He felt awful for even suggesting they go on a break, because now he realised that as much as harry didn't trust their relationship, neither did he as he called it off as soon as there was a minuscule issue.

"Lou you need to stop. I've heard you say your sorry about a thousand times now, there's no need for it. If I was angry or upset with you I wouldn't have even considered singing that in front of all those people. It's over now, let's just forget it and move on" Harry replied in a stern but soft tone, holding Louis by the shoulders.

"I know but, I shouldn't have called it off as soon as we had a misunderstanding, it just shows my lack of effort in this relationship and I hate myself for it. You don't deserve it" Louis argued with sadness laced in his tone, looking down at the floor in shame.

"Like I said, it's over now. There's no point going over and over the same thing when it's already been resolved. We're good yeah?" Harry continued, lifting Louis' chin so their eyes could finally meet.

"Of course were good, doesn't make me feel any less shittier though" Louis practically whispered.

"Look, it was a tense situation alright. You probably didn't know what to do and jumped to the first solution, even if it was a shit one. But this doesn't change the way I feel about you, nor does it affect or make me want to end our relationship. I love you" Harry repeated, sighing by the end of it but hopeful that Louis would understand.

"Alright, I love you too" Louis finally gave in and dropped the topic with a heavy sigh.

Louis sunk further into the seat, or Harrys chest, as the taller man pulled him closer, placing a gentle kiss to the top of his head with a grin spread wide on his face.

They were sat in the dressing/lounge room backstage and they could still faintly hear the screams of the fans as they left the stadium. The lads were sat around them on various chairs and smiled in fond at the two boys who had found one another again.

They knew they would, it was inevitable. But it still caused them great joy to see them smiling, gazing, sharing lingering kisses every now and again. A drastic contrast to when they were shouting, arguing, crying.

It also caused Liam to long for what the two shared. As he watched them gripping to one another for dear life, in their own little world being content with just each other, it made him realise he once had that, but not so much anymore.

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